Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

As the fates may have it I found her in the library while I was looking for a book on Shakespearean sonnets. She was sitting in front of a large coffee table doing homework when the librarian called for her to tell her that she had found the books she had requested. 

She was so beautiful, I thought to myself: Tan skin, big gray eyes, dirty blonde hair. I walked up to a shelf nearby her and took a book off to see through it.

"Who are we spying on?" A voice whispered in my ear. I almost dropped the book.

I turned around to see Lana grinning at me. She shoved me to the side, her blonde hair whipping my arm, and peered in between the books.

"Oh, Gabrielle Hauzer?" She asked, confused.

"Boring. I thought it was a hot guy. Why are we spying on her?"

"I'm not spying on her," I lied, my cheeks turning red.

She gave me an incredulous look, "Lia, you suck at lying."

I put the book back and ignored her.

"How do you even know about her? She's not the most social. Her family is really religious," She asked.

"Why are you at the library?" I asked furrowing my brows. 

"I saw you through the window on my way to lunch. So why the mystery with Gabrielle?"

Lana and I played a staring game, and I finally broke.

"I think Robbie might be in love with her," I admitted.

"Okay." She said slowly trying to understand. "That's the last thing I expected you to say." She said, laughing.

"Hmm." She took the book out of its place on the shelf and peered at her again. "Yeah, I don't think so," She said, placing the book back in its place.

"Gabrielle is not the sharpest. I think he tutored her for physics because she was at risk of failing. He hooked up with her, and then she spread some bitchy rumor about Abigail, and he ended things," she explained. 

"Her family are also like the snobbiest people you will ever meet. They think they're better than everyone."

It never ceased to amaze me how Lana knew everything about everyone. Well, I guess not about everyone; she certainly had no idea about what Robbie and I had recently been up to. If she did, she would have indeed said something.

"Huh," I said as she hooked her arm through mine and led me out of the library.

"The real question is, why are you spying on someone that Robbie is potentially in love with?"

"Nothing. I was just curious."

Lana narrowed her aqua-colored eyes at me.

"He told me he was in love with someone, and he seemed so heartbroken, I was curious."

A small smile appeared on her lips, and she paused our stroll to fix my shirt collar. She was being motherly and strange.


"Nothing. Just, he's not in love with Gabrielle Hauzer. I'm sure of it. I think he has more of a thing for brunettes," She said flattening the collar of my shirt.

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