Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The party was a train wreck from the start. First, the caterers were going to be late. Then her alcohol hookup said he wasn't going to be able to make it.

Luckily Chris was able to find another college kid they could bribe with money.

Maria was flipping out because she didn't know what dress to wear.

Lana, of course, came looking as if she was about to walk a runway.

Maria ended up looking like she would join her on the catwalk, despite an hour of panicking and swearing that she would end up looking like a mess.

Eventually, they both looked fabulous and decided to turn their attention to me. Which, if I was honest, I didn't mind. I wasn't super into fashion and makeup, but it was nice when other people put it on you. I ended up looking pretty nice if I do say so myself.

I usually wore workout clothes or athleisure. I didn't do much besides track and casual activities with friends. It was a nice change of pace to look hot every once in a while. I was wearing a gold sparkly cropped top that was held up but the tiniest strings criss crossing across my back.

I was worried initially, and Maria assured me that she tied it up really well, and I would "not be showing the goods" to anyone that night. "At least not unless you deliberately wanted to," she made sure to add.

The top was pretty cropped, so I was glad I had done those extra sit-ups. I also wore a black maxi skirt that had a slit running up my left leg.

The girls straightened my hair, and I wore it loose. Nicole had been spending the day with her family and joined us as we finished getting ready. Her taxi dropped her off just as Robbie and Abigail were pulling up.

Robbie parked the car and got out, walking around to open the door for Abigail. Abigail, of course, looked like a supermodel. She wore a wine-colored sparkly mini dress that left little to the imagination.

I looked back at Nicole getting her bag from the seat. I didn't want to stare.

"Lia, you look amazing," Nicole said, coming up the steps and opening her arms to give me a hug. 

Robbie and Abigail made their way up the stairs behind her, Abigail was busy on her phone. 

"Hi," I said to both of them.

She nodded in my direction to show slight recognition, engrossed in her call.

"Hi," Robbie said. His eyes traveled down my body and then back up, stopping at my eyes. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he blushed.

"Maria and Lana are upstairs touching up," I said, not knowing what to say.

Abigail walked into the house distractedly, still on her phone. Robbie nodded at Nicole and me and followed her.

"Girl," Nicole said, smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Forget it." She said, shaking her head and walking inside.

In retrospect, getting ready with Maria and Lana pretty much concluded the best part of the night.

To start our series of unfortunate events, Jessie drunkenly hooked up with his ex while playing a game that required the participants to pass around a card only using their mouth. 

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