Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

When we got to school the next day, everything was normal at first. Robbie pulled in and parked the car. He grabbed my bag from the back seat and went around to open the door for me. Everything was fine. People had seen us come to school together plenty of times since I hurt my leg. I leaned against his car. He was pulling his soccer bag out of the trunk of his car.

"Why are you taking so long?" I asked after a moment passed.

"I dropped my locker key, and I can't reach it." He said.

I walked over to see him trying to reach into a small rivet in the trunk of his car. I moved his hand away and reached into the hole. My fingers fitting easily into the small space, and I pulled out the keys.

"Tah dah," I said, putting them in his duffle pocket where I knew he kept them.

"It pays to have small fingers," I said, wiggling my fingers in front of his face.

He laughed and grabbed my hand, placing a kiss on my fingers then pulling me closer to him to place another kiss on my lips.

I heard a gasp and the parking lot became silent.

I looked up at Robbie, my eyes wide.

"The bandaid is ripped off." He said, shrugging and laced his fingers with mine pulling me away from the car and into the school.

The rest of the day was filled with curious glances and whispers. During chemistry, we worked on our chem project. Since Abigail was absent, the teacher let me work with Robbie to help him set his up.

Antoine made faces at us the entire time.

That day after school was his first game of the season. I walked onto the sports field after school with Lana and Maria. We found some seats on the bleachers and sat to watch the game. He played really well. So did Cameron. They were so in sync with each other. 

According to Maria, the team they were playing was pretty good, and while it started slowly by half time, they were neck in neck. 2-2 was the score.

"It's good in they win this game because then the next to games are with easy teams letting them rest," Lana said. Damien was on the team as well and had explained the future games to her.

Towards the end, they were still 2-2 but putting pressure. Finally, in the last five minutes, Cameron crossed a perfect pass to Robbie, it bounced on the slightly uneven grass, and Robbie lobbed in on the volley slamming it into the net's upper left corner.

 Our entire section jumped up to cheer. Soon the whistle blew, and the game was over. When they let them back out, Lana and I ran down to the field.

"That was so good!" I said, jumping up and throwing my arms around his neck.

He grinned and put his arms around me kissing me hard on the mouth.

Cameron walked by us, gave him a fist bump, then did a double-take when he saw me hanging off his neck like a monkey.

He nodded and then walked off to meet the rest of the team.

Lana and Damien were making out already.

Robbie grabbed my thighs to pull them around his waist so he could walk better.

"The last goal you made was so nice. I think Lana recorded it on her phone." I said, crossing my legs to hold myself up.

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