Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

There was a pregnant pause where neither of us said anything. Robbie's eyes reminded me of a kaleidoscope switching images every second—realization, fear, desperation all flickered in his green eyes.

The music played on, and I could hear people talking and laughing. They seemed very far away, even if they were just in the other room.

"What are you saying?" I asked slowly. I could feel his hand on my back; his touch burned.


He closed his eyes and brought my hand he was grasping between us, holding it close to his chest, "Come on, Lia," he said softly. I could feel his heart beating so fast.

My own heart felt as if it were trying to jump out and run away from my chest.

"Stop it," I said sharply, taking a step back.

"You had to have known. How could you not know?"

"Stop it," I said, taking another step back. I slipped my hand from his and held it up between us. A warning to not get closer. He walked forward until his chest pushed against it.

"You don't think I've tried to stop it?" His gaze was intense, and he cupped my face with both his hands. 

"I tried avoiding you the first weeks you were here. I tried a million different things and excuses to convince myself otherwise. Every time I tried to find something wrong with you, it just made it worse. It brought me closer to you. I would find out that it wasn't true, or that I didn't care, or that it showed something was actually wrong with me rather than with you. Everything just proved how wonderful you are."

My brain felt like it was simultaneously frozen and going 100 miles an hour. I took his hands off my face and shook my head, stepping back a few times. Away from him. Away from what he was saying.

 I took one, two, three, four steps back until I bumped into a stone parapet, effectively stopping my escape. My hand found the stone ledge behind me, my chest heaving from my uneven breathing. I looked up at him. His hands were in his pockets, his green eyes seemed almost gray, and sad and scared. He looked down as if gathering his thoughts and then took a step towards me.

"I can't stop thinking about you," He sighed.

My stomach did a flip, and my eyes involuntarily drifted towards his mouth.

"I'm tired of trying to stop. We're good together. You know this," He said, taking another step towards me and stopping when his body was pressed against mine.

My heart pounded in my ears and a sudden fear gripped me. Everything Abigail said was true and I was a total coward. 

"Lia, please say something," He murmured.

"I'm cold," I blurted out.

"What?" His brows furrowed.

"It's cold here," I explained, rubbing my arms. He quickly took off his jacket and draped it over me. It smelled so strongly like him, my stomach filled with butterflies.

"Don't change the subject, don't start freaking out on me," He said, frowning. 

"I don't know, Robbie. I don't know if we really are that good together," I breathed out.

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