Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Because I was so nervous about the chem exam, I pulled an all-nighter. I naturally had a lot of energy, but I started to feel my decision to forgo sleep. By the time chem came around, I felt like I was dragging my feet from how tired I am. I put my head down on the cold black lab table. The coolness of the surface felt nice on my skin. I closed my eyes for a second when I heard a soft thump and felt a sudden wave of warmth. I opened my eyes to see a paper coffee cup in front of my eyes.

"What is this?"

"It's for you," Robbie said as I sat up. He pulled out a wooden chair and sat down next to me.


"Well, a cappuccino," He said, nodding.

"Thank you? When did you get this?"

"During rec. I saw you while you were in math. You seemed tired, and I felt bad for ruining your breakfast. I also saw you walking into Mr. Heffernan last week after lunch. I had him last year; he can knock you out even with a full night's rest."

I brought the cappuccino up to my nose and took a deep breath. Mmmmm, it smelled like everything right in the world.

"It's not poison, I promise." He said, looking at me. His green eyes showed some humor behind them.

"Smells so nice, I could bathe in this," I said, taking another deep breath.

"Well, it's pretty hot, so I don't think that would be a good idea, blow on it before you drink it; it's freshly made."

"I would do dirty things for a croissant right now," I said without thinking. Lacking sleep tends to remove your filter.

I saw him blush. "That reminds me," he said and took out a white paper bag, placing it on the desk in front of me.

"Robbie Bennett, if this is a croissant, this could be love."

I opened the bag and took out a cheese danish.

"I guess it's not my lucky day," he smiled and shrugged.

"Thank you, Robbie," I said sincerely and took a bite out of the pastry.

My eyes widened. "Wow," I said, looking at him in surprise.

"I know it's not your Pop-Tart, but that bakery makes some delicious pastries."

"Mmm," I moaned, taking another bite, my eyes fluttering close. "Pop-Tart, what's a Pop-Tart?" I joked.

"You have pastry around your mouth," he said. I noticed his eyes had darkened. I used my tongue to lick the corner of my mouth.

"Did I get it?" I asked.

He swallowed hard and clenched his jaw, and then gave me a small nod.

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