Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The following day we all woke up in a tangle of limbs. I stretched and noticed Chris, Cameron, and Lana were already awake. I looked at Chris nervously, trying to gauge where we stood after last night. He did a big yawn and stretched. His outstretched arm reached my head, and he light-heartedly ruffled my hair and patted me on the head.

I guess he had no problem moving forward and pretending nothing happened. Good, I think?

"Last night was fun. We need to hang out more often —all of us." Lana yawned while sitting up. 

"Lana, you passed out 5 minutes into the first movie," Chris said deadpan.

"Well, it was fun at the pool, I meant."

"You mean the pool where you ignored us the entire time to play tonsil hockey with Damien?" He retorted.

She glared at him.

"Shut-up Chris, can we not be annoying so early in the morning?" She shoving his shoulder with her foot.

Chris held his chest as if his feelings were hurt.

"Okay, someone is hangry," Maria sang, sitting up and stretching. 

"How did you guys sleep?" She asked, looking at Nicole and me.

"I slept fine," I said.

"Same," Nicole agreed. I saw her sneak a glance at Cameron and blush.

"Cameron, did you practice this morning with my brother?"

"Kinda. We were going to practice shooting but there's a wet patch and Robbie slipped and then I slipped and I kind of cleated his shoulder."

Maria's eyes widened, "Are you okay? Is Robbie okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I used your bathroom to wash up. Robbie is showering he should be out soon. He said he would hang out with us. He got a pretty nasty cut though." He said slightly wincing. 

Good. I thought to myself. Yes. I'm petty. 

"Should we just order in for breakfast? I think my mom gave the entire staff the week off."

"Really? Why?" Jesse asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"My family is coming over next week, so my mom wanted to make sure they were rested." She rolled her eyes as she said this.

I think she noticed my curious gaze because she looked at me and explained.

"My family is extremely annoying."

Lana gasped in sudden realization.

"Your family is coming!"

"...Yes, I just sa—" Maria started, looking at her with a confused look on her face.

"So... aren't we doing the annual Bennett Bash?"  Lana asked, cutting her friend off. 

"Bennett Bash?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah, Maria and Robbie always throw a party towards the end of the summer. Usually, a week before Maria's family comes to visit. We have to do it this week since, when her family leaves, we won't have time for a casual party. We are on the social committee at school, and we have to start planning the charity events," Lana explained. 

"And Robbie throws this party as well?" I asked, surprised. I couldn't imagine Robbie enjoying himself at a party, let alone throwing one.

"When she says Maria and Robbie always throw a party, she means Maria throws a party, and Robbie sulks in a corner all day," Maria clarified. 

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