Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 

Lana pulled me down the banquet hall and led me to a room with a girl who looked like she was about to pass out. Antoine was there fanning her looking really stressed out.

"What happened?"

"She had something and is having an allergic reaction. We called the ambulance, and we're trying to figure out where she left her EPI pen, but she only speaks Spanish."

"And Maria?"

"I can't find her, and she won't pick up her phone."

I ran up to the girl and crouched in front of her, and she started speaking frantic Portuguese, tears rolling down her face.

"Uhhh, this isn't Spanish, something bag, I don't know she's slurring and I'm trying to match words...."

"I just wanted one party without having to call the ambulance," Lana said, looking up at the ceiling.

"She said her purse is upstairs with the pen and that she wants to talk to her nanny. She said her phone is by the food," We both turned to see Robbie standing by the door. I looked at him, my jaw hanging open.

"Girl is turning blue, stare into each other's eyes later, find the purse!" Lana said, pushing us out and running to get the phone.

We both ran down the hall and up the stairs. There was a long hallway with a row of doors.

"Get the rooms on the left; I'll get the ones on the right," I said, and we started opening doors and scanning rooms.

They were display rooms, but Trinity students decided they made good make out rooms. 

"Excuse me," I said, reaching underneath a half-dressed couple. I took out a purse from underneath a writhing girl,

"I'm sorry to bother you, but is this your purse?" I asked only to be completely ignored.

"Okay, sorry, to intrude on your privacy," I muttered, opening up the purse to see who it belonged to. The ID inside belonged to the girl currently getting it on with a football player. I groaned, frustrated, and threw the purse on the ground.

The girl briefly stopped her tryst complain, but I was already halfway out of the room.

I opened the next door only to find another couple going at it. Wait. I closed the door and flicked on the lights.

"Maria?" I said, laughing.

They froze.

"What the fuck Lia? Knock!" Jessie said.

"Uh, lock the door, geniuses?" I said, looking at them, my mouth gaping.

Jessie was pulling up his pants, and Maria was fixing her dress. Their hair was all over the place.

"So, this is where you've been," I said, grinning. My smile dropped instantly.

"Lia, I found the purse," I heard from outside the door. I met Maria's wide eyes, and we had an unspoken moment of panic. I made a mad dash for the door.

"Yay!" I said, throwing myself on Robbie as he opened the door. My arms around his neck, he stumbled backward, his arm around my waist. I grabbed his tie and pulled him in the direction of the girl.

"What are you doing?"

"We need to hurry!" I said, grabbing his hand and leading the way.

When we got there, Antoine quickly gave her the EPI shot just as the ambulance arrived. When they left the room, I turned to Robbie, "how did you even understand her?"

"I know Portuguese,"


"Yeah, we have a lot of Brazilian customers," He said casually and pulling out a strand of my hair that became tangled in my earring.

"Any other languages?"

"French and Arabic."

"Shut up!" I said, my brows furrowed in surprise.

He shrugged.

"So they GROOMED you, groomed you," I said, my eyebrow rising up.

He gave me a tight-lipped smile and nodded.

"I took lessons since I was I was a kid with private tutors." 

"Sounds like an intense childhood," I said.

"It was not a very fun one."

"Say something in French," I ordered.

"What? No," He chuckled shyly.

"What why? I want to hear you speak French," I pouted.

"Stick around, and I'm sure you'll hear it at some point," He said, looking at me with an amused look on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him, a small smile on my lips.

"So," He said.

"So," I echoed.

"I was thinking," He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I got a sinking feeling in my stomach and looked up at him, my eyes wide.

"You changed your mind?" I asked, confused.

He looked taken aback for a second and then cupped my face.

"What? Lia, No. I was serious about what I said. I love you, and I have zero doubts. I just think you should talk to Maria before anything else. I don't think I can take much more of this back and forth. I don't want something stupid coming up and us breaking up again. I wasn't kidding when I said not being around you has been pretty awful."

I bit my lip, "Okay, I'll ask her."

"Lia, we're heading out," Lana said, coming into the room. I forgot I had told Lana I was sleeping over. I had thought Robbie and I would still be awkward with each other and told her I did not want to sleep at Maria's.

I nodded at Robbie and then followed her. We waited outside for the valet to bring her car. It was freezing, and even with my coat, I regretted not wearing a more substantial dress. I also had this wave of sadness wash over me. I missed Robbie.

"Hey, can you wait a second?" I asked her as she fixed her scarf. She shrugged and nodded.

I ran back up the museum steps, walking through the hallways, and scanning the rooms. I found him leaning against the wall, looking at some pamphlets in an empty display room, most likely waiting for Maria to finish saying her goodbyes to take his slightly inebriated sister home. He heard me come in and looked up with a confused look on his face.

"Did you forget something?"

I stopped right in front of him. My nose almost touching the buttons on his white shirt. I saw him become rigid and hold his breath. I put my hands on his chest and leaned up to kiss his neck.

"That's as high as I go. Do you want to meet me halfway?" I breathed out.

He nodded imperceptibly and put his hand on the back of my head, leaning down to press his lips against mine, his arm sliding around my waist, pressing me to him. I felt my heart rate speed up, and a wave of warmth washed over me. His lips were so soft and perfect, and I missed kissing him so much. He broke the kiss after a few moments.

"Lana is waiting for you, and if we do this for longer, I'm going to want more." He said, pressing his forehead to mine.

I nodded and stepped back, glancing at him one last time before running back to meet Lana at the front.

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