Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I went upstairs to look for Maria and found her sleeping soundly on her bed.

"Maria, wake up," I said and shook her shoulder. 

"What?" She mumbled.

"Where did you go last night? I mean did you ever come back? What happened?"

"Hmm, oh yeah, you looked peaceful; I felt bad to wake you up." She said and snuggled closer to her pillow.

"Maria, if Abigail would have walked outside and seen us...I don't want to start the school year with some stupid high school drama." 

"Relax, Abigail went home yesterday; I saw her leave. Plus, no one goes out to that garden. I don't think she would even know to look for it," she lifted her head from the pillow, finally opening her eyes. 

"What time is it?" she asked covering her mouth as she yawned. 

I looked at the clock on her nightstand.


"Too early. Come snuggle with me. We can wake up in a few hours and get breakfast." She said, putting her head back down on the pillow.

I sighed and considered her for a moment. I was still upset and I didn't understand why. 

"Fine," I said and undid the zipper to my dress, shrugging it off my shoulders.

"Ooh, girl, slower."

"Shut up," I said shaking my head as I took off the dress. 

"Skootch over," I said, standing on the side of the bed, "I want to be the little spoon."

"Fine, but then you can't be mad at me anymore," she said and lifted the covers, making it possible for me to slip under them. I lay on my side, and she hugged me with one arm as I snuggled the pillows.

She softly laughed.


"Nothing. I just thought of something funny."

"What?" I asked again, insisting.

"Nothing. Nothing. Just, who spoons you better me, or my brother?"

"You suck."

She giggled.

"For the record, Lia, I like you 1000 times better for my brother than Abigail."

"Whatever," I said, closing my eyes. There was a pause. I tried to fall asleep and was about to when Maria spoke again.

"Lia, do you like him?" she asked her tone shifting from playful and teasing to serious and pensive. 

"Robbie?" I asked. 


If I was honest with myself, I didn't know. I hadn't really thought about it, and I didn't think it should even be considered. When we were apart like now, no. I didn't. Robbie was arrogant; he had treated my friend badly and disrespected me. Still. When he was in front of me, something was different. It's like his presence cast a spell on whatever logic I had and completely did away with it. His touch made me dizzy, and once he offered it, which he was incredibly generous of last night, I wanted it constantly. It was unsettling thinking about it. I wondered if it was obvious to him, and he found it amusing or something.

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