Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

It was raining when I arrived at the Bennetts, the taxi driver looked at me as if I was a mad woman when I told him he could just leave me at the gates. 

I sprinted from the gates to the front of his door. My French braid had come loose, and I could feel the heat in my cheeks. The soft crooning of Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah and knocked gently on the door the half-opened door.

He sat on the floor, reading up against the bookcase on a makeshift stack of pillows. The light from the setting sun came through the window and made his hair look a golden-brown color. He looked relaxed wearing a brown Henley with the sleeves bunched up at his elbows and black pants, his feet were socked, and he had on the glasses, which made him look like a young college professor.

"Well, this is a mood," I said, stepping in and leaning on his doorframe.

He looked up and gave me a quizzical look.

"Hi," He said, looking up from his book, "you can come in."

I looked around. His room was so neat except for the books he had everywhere. Reading was the only time he didn't keep any order. I took off my wet shoes shoes as it seemed improper not to and stepped into the room.

I suddenly was struck with an abundance of nervousness. 

"I was just wondering if you knew when Maria was going to be back. I brought somethings she wanted me to bring for a club booth."

"You didn't text her?"

"I did, but she's in rehearsals for her drama class, and I can't get through when I call. I wondered, since Cameron was also in rehearsals, if you might know at what time it ends. I wanted to wait for Maria, but I don't want to stay if it will be too late." I could hear myself babble. I was suddenly so nervous.

He narrowed his eyes at me as if he saw right through all the bullshit I just said.

"Why are you here, Lia?" He asked calmly.

I felt my heart race, and a blush crept into my cheeks.

"I spoke to Lana. It's not Maria, but I'm pretty sure she told me everything." I blurted out.

He stared at me with an undiscernible look on his face when he looked down at his novel.

"Have you read this yet?"

"What?" I asked, confused.

He held up the book, and I walked over to better read its title, The Children's Hour.

"No, but I like that author."

"Me. Too."

I walked tentatively into his room. I had so much gusto on the way here, and now I was a nervous wreck. I looked around at his bookcases, not really knowing where to look, when one of them caught my eye.

"Is this a first edition Grapes of Wrath?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I looked it up once, and I remember the cover," I said, and I could hear the nervousness in my voice.

"Oh," I said excitedly, suddenly spotting another book. "I wanted to read this."

"Read it then."

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