Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

On the day of the Charity Gala, I slept over at Maria's house. We decided to call it quits with the last-minute details at midnight and just hang out to calm our nerves. Robbie actually hung out with us, and we even played a friendly game of scrabble that I totally destroyed him in.

"Merciless," He muttered before getting up and going to his room for the night.

We were up early, and I drove with Maria and Lana to the hotel we chose to host the Gala. We spent the morning making sure everything looked as it should and making centerpieces for the tables. Around lunch, we went back to Maria's to eat and get ready.

It was later in the day, and Lana had found a dress for me to wear. It was dark blue and strappy.

"I think you should ditch the bra," she said, looking at me with a pensive expression on her face.

"What if it gets cold?"

"Then I'm probably going to regret not putting you as a headliner for blindfolded booths."

I rolled my eyes and smiled, taking off my bra.

"It's fine. Your boobs look good," Lana said.

I looked in the mirror, she wasn't wrong.

Despite its almost plunging neckline, the dress hugged me around my chest, making my otherwise smaller than average chest look like a lot more than what it was.

We were cutting it close on time, and Maria was worried that traffic would be backed up with rainy weather, so we decided to just do our makeup in the car. One of her mother's chauffeurs drove us. Robbie had gone in his own car, most likely to pick up Abigail.

The hotel was packed when we got there. Every Trinity student showed up. The nearby private and magnet school kids were invited as well.

"They're going to sneak in anyway. Might as well make money off them," Maria explained.

I followed Lana through the maze of people to a room filled with booths.

Maria stood next to a girl who looked as if she were about to pass out. I had seen her before. She was a sophomore—the very pretty co-captain of the dance team and a disciple of Abigail.

"Is she okay?" I asked

"She was fine, and now she's burning up and won't answer us. We called the ambulance to take her to the hospital." Maria said. She looked really stressed out, not to mention her own health was not getting better.

"Lia, can you fill in for her?"

"Fill in for her?"

"Yes. In a booth."

"Wait, you want me to sit in one of the make-out booths?" I said, not even bothering to hide the terror I felt.

"Yes. She was on the list, and we don't have time to cross-check anyone and make sure they aren't gross."

I must have looked like deer in headlights because she turned to look me directly in the eyes, her hand on my shoulders.

"Lia, please. I really need this day to go without a hitch. One of the University dean's daughters participates in the booth. If she likes this Gala, she'll say positive things about us to her father. We need her father to show up at the Winter Ball."

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