Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

As much as I needed some free time, the weekend was just as busy as the previous ones, and before I knew it, it was over. I wanted to hang out with Maria since she felt better and needed help with the next event but our English teacher dropped the news we had to complete a 20-page paper at the last minute. Even Lana, who usually found a way to party and study, was stuck at home all weekend.

Soon it was Monday again. The whispering had died down a bit but was still present. I still had plenty of rude stares, and at some point, one of the boys walked by me and tried to lift my skirt.

Things were busy in AP chem today. We were working in dutiful silence on a packet of problems our teacher gave us. I think our teacher wasn't feeling well because he usually let us work in groups. Today, he insisted on keeping us separated and quiet. He kept rubbing his forehead as if he had a headache, more than usual, and generally seemed off. I wondered if he caught the bug Maria had.

As I was working, Robbie passed me a note.

"Want to work on the project this weekend? I looked at the syllabus; the workload seems lighter."

"Sure," I wrote back.

"We can start on the first part. I think we can knock that out by the end of Sunday, and then we can work on the following part next, next weekend."

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Work trip."


"So, the plan sounds good?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I wrote back and added a funny smiley face at the end. I heard him lightly snort when he saw it.

"E-excuse me c-class," Our teacher said, "I n-need to go to the b-b-bathroom, p-please finish your work." He said and hurried out.

Two boys from the football team that sat behind us cracked up and started mocking him once he left the room.

"Can you guys grow up? That is so disrespectful." I said, turning around. I already didn't like them. These were the same guys that shove Antoine into the lockers.

They looked at each other and laughed harder.

"Boys, calm down," Robbie said, turning around and glaring at them. They looked at each other with shifty eyes and instantly shut up.

When class ended, I walked out with Antoine, his locker was right outside our class, and he needed to grab a few things before lunch. The boys from before were outside next to his locker and acting stupid again.

"Idiots," Antoine muttered under his breath.

One of them heard him; I think his name was Chad or something similarly stupid he turned and shoved him, "Watch yourself queer," he said in a threatening manner.

"Gosh, Chad, can you try harder to be a caricature?" I said sarcastically, putting my hand on Antoine's shoulder to stop him from falling forward.

Chad made a sour face and turned to face me. He squeezed my cheeks with his hand and brought his face close to mine. I absentmindedly remembered girls at the beginning of the year talking about how good looking he was, now just looked really grotesque.

"Use that pretty mouth to suck my dick charity case. I'll pay you," Antoine grabbed his hand to take it off my face and pushed him off. I looked down in shock at what had just happened. Then,

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