Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

When I woke up the next day, I noticed there were bags by the door and almost crashed into the house staff as they took them one by one into a large van parked outside.

"Family Emergency," Maria explained when she saw me frown and looked confused at the unexpected commotion.

"You're going on a trip?"

"No. Just my mother and Robbie. They're staying until Friday."

"Is everything okay?"

"I believe it's my grandfather's health but who knows, who cares," she said, rolling her eyes and pouring herself a bowl of sugary cereal.

Nicole and I sat down at her kitchen island, and I reached over to grab us bowls and the box of cereal Maria had just put down.

"How'd you guys sleep?" Lana asked while looking at her phone.

"Great," Nicole said, smiling.

"What about this dress?" Lana asked, turning her phone to Maria.

Maria looked up at me, "Can you believe she's looking for a dress now. The event is on Saturday; it's like she wants to age me."

Lana snickered. "So yes or no?" She turned and showed it to us.

"Pretty," I said, eating a spoonful of cereal.

"Your brother would probably kill you," Robbie said with a grossed out look on his face while looking over her shoulder.

My head whipped up involuntarily. I had not heard him come into the kitchen.

"Right? Jessie is so annoying," She pouted. "I'm buying it anyway for Junior homecoming; I can sneak out in a long coat." She said, smiling evilly.

"Can I talk to you before I leave?" Robbie asked as he looked down at his watch as if to make sure he had time.

"You want to talk now?" I said, my eyes becoming wide. I was not mentally prepared. I was on 3 hours of sleep and a spoonful of cereal; I was not about to process anything that Robbie would have to say.

"Sorry, I meant Nicole, not you." He said, looking straight at Nicole with that intense gaze that could mean a million different things.

"Oh," I said, surprised. Nicole looked at me, confused, and shrugged.

"Sure," She said slowly, hopping off the stool.

Robbie looked up from his watch and noticed that we were all staring at him.

"We can go outside," Robbie said, frowning at us and motioning to the double doors that separated the kitchen from the gardens.

When they were outside, and the French doors closed, Maria turned to look at us, "Sooo, are we eavesdropping, or are we eavesdropping?"

"No," I said, taking my bowl to the sink.

"Come on, Lia."

"No. That's not okay. I'm going to go shower and change. I would hope that in my absence, you two behave," I said, going upstairs.

"Oh yeah, we're total angels," Lana said, folding her hands in front of her.Maria gave me an innocent smile.

When I was done showering, Robbie had left. Despite Maria and Lana's insistent pleading, Nicole would not tell me what he said; she said she promised him not to tell me anything until he had a chance to speak to me.

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