Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

When I woke up the next day, Lana had already left the room. I climbed out of bed and quickly noticed my feet had socks on them and that hoodie had been laid over me while I slept.

As I got out of the covers, I instantly knew why. The house was freezing. I slipped on the hoodie that I was sure, like my t-shirt, was pilfered from Robbie's room. It had the Trinity soccer insignia stitched on it; I was quite the detective.

I walked downstairs to see Lana sitting on the kitchen counter, eating toast with Robbie.

"Why is it so cold?" I asked, rubbing my arms.

"I think Maria put down the temperature in the middle of the night," Lana said, putting some slices of toast in the oven for me.

I shivered and rubbed my arms. Lana had already gone by the bathroom, where she changed and put on the leggings, she wore the day before. She had on her tennis sweater that she lent me that day at the museum.

"Thank you for the socks," I said, pointing at my feet.

"Yeah, I woke up, and your feet were sticking out of the blanket. They were cold, so I put some socks on you. I couldn't find your clothes from the day before, so I told Robbie to lend you a jacket."

"Aww," I said, giving her a hug from behind.

Robbie rolled his eyes at us as he took another bite from his toast.

"Hey," he said, suddenly looking at my feet, "Those are my socks. You said you were going to Maria's room for socks."

"She was sleeping, and I didn't want to wake her up. Relax, I didn't look at anything in your hovel," Lana said, sticking her tongue at him.

Lana and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"You guys are bullies," He said, pointing at us with the toast in his hand. Lana grabbed his hand and took a bite out of it. He looked at her, upset, and I took the chance to swipe the untouched toast on his plate.

He grabbed my wrist as I stepped back. I felt his touch burn.

"Witches." He said and then paused to look at me. I felt myself blush under his scrutiny, and he brought his face close to mine.

"Lia," he started, his breath fanning my face. I gulped. "Is that my shirt?" He said as he wrapped his long fingers around the pull and slid down the zipper of the hoodie. His green eyes bore into mine, and I felt my heart skip a beat. The toaster oven dinged, and the toast Lana had set for us popped up. I put my hand over his and pried his fingers off my wrist, pretending to have a sudden urgency for buttered toast.

Lana took me home soon after, and I decided I would use the rest of Sunday to organize myself. Maria was still really sick and slept for most of the day. She did a video call with us after dinner and fell asleep five minutes into it.

Lana and I took her absence as an opportunity to do our calculus homework together. She had the same teacher in a different period.

The next day marked the start of the second week of school. Things were a lot easier, and I was able to find my way around with no problems. Maria was out on Monday. She said she was coming down with a cold and not feeling well, so I spent my lunch period with Lana and Damien.

To give them some credit, they put in a valiant effort to keep the PDA to a minimum. Even then, it was still really awkward. Thankfully Chris joined us the last few minutes and saved me from feeling like the third wheel. On Wednesday, Maria was still sick. I texted her to see what was up.

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