Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

WARNING: This chapter does contain some steamy scenes ie. sexual content. 


After a few minutes, I woke up and noticed his hand was now on my hip, tracing lazy circles on the skin that had become exposed between my tank top and my shorts.

With the other hand, he was tracing the hand on his chest.

He was right; this was really cozy. The outside air felt cool on my face, but everything else was warm, hot even. His soft touches felt dreamy, dizzying. I shivered, and he pulled me closer.

"Aren't you hot?" I asked, my voice sounding unnatural.

"Kind of, but I'm comfortable. If anything, I stick an arm out of the covers, and it cools you down pretty quick."

I stuck my arm out of the covers. It was freezing in the room.

"It's so cold!"

"Nah, you're just not used to it."

"Robbie, this is cold regardless of where you are from. I stuck my hand underneath his shirt to make my point. He winced at the feeling of my cold hand coming into contact with his warm skin. I felt the muscles in his abdomen contract. I forgot that Robbie was very much in shape.

I fought the urge to run my hands up his body and took my hand out.

"See, not so tough, huh?" I said, smirking. My voice getting caught in my throat towards the end.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "you know Lia, my hand has been out this entire time," He said with a devilish grin.

My eyes widened. He wouldn't.

"That's not fair. I know it's cold. You don't have a point to make," I reasoned.

"My point is getting even." He explained.

"Robbie, stop, don't," I laughed nervously.

He turned to face me. His face was so close I could feel his breath tickling me as he talked.

"It's only fair, Lia." He said, slipping his hand beneath my tank top and pressing it to my stomach.

I let out a yelp; his hand felt like ice. My body arched away, my chest pressing into his. My face was so close to his I could feel his breath on my lips. He ran his hand from my stomach to my back, trying to warm it up with my body.

He paused, his hand resting on my waist. I looked up at him, and his eyes were dark. The pupils dilated.

"Too cold?" He asked. His voice was rough like sandpaper.

"It's warming up," I said my voice sounded strange to me, husky.

He spread out his fingers; his thumb was just under my breast.

"You're so warm," He said and lightly pushed me, so I was on my back, and he was slightly hovering over me. He leaned on his left arm. His left hand tangled itself in my hair.


"Robbie," I said, looking at him. 

Whatever daze he was in broke and he pulled his hand out of my shirt. 

"Sorry." He mumbled. 

"It's fine," I squeaked. I felt as if my heart was going to come out of my chest. 

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