Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Going into the coffee shop, we found a table by the window and placed our bags down.

"What do you want to drink?" He asked.

"That's okay, Liam, I can get my drink," I said, pulling out my coin purse from my bag.

"Don't worry about it. I'll get it. What do you want?"

I looked up at him, and he smiled at me encouragingly. The light coming from the coffee shop windows made his hair look like the color of wheat and his blue eyes almost translucent.

He looked good.

"Hot cocoa?"

"What are you, five?" He teased.

I pouted.

"I'm just messing with you. I'll get you hot cocoa." He shook his head smiling and walked towards the counter to order our drinks.

I looked down at my phone and noticed I had a text from Maria.

"Sorry I didn't stick around after school. My mom gave my tutor the wrong time, and I had to hurry home. Want to hang out after school tomorrow? Usually, my tutor doesn't get to my house till much later."

"Sounds good." I texted back.

"Awesome, Lana and I are going to work on our plans for the charity gala. The one with the booths Abigail and I told you about. It's a huge event, and it's coming up next month. Help us out?" She asked.

"Yeah. Sure."

"Perfect! How was your first day?"

"It was good. How was yours?"

"Alright. I think I'm coming down with something though my throat hurts quite a bit."

"Aww. Feel better."

"Thanks, babe."

I texted back a heart just in time to see Liam coming back with our drinks.

"You're taking calculus?" he said, eyeing my books.

"Yeah, was that a class you took last year?"

"Nah, taking it this year. Not very good at math. I'm lost already."

"Well, I'm pretty good at it. If you'd like, we can do our homework together," I offered.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. So how was your first day at Trinity? Tired of all the rich snobby kids already?"

"It wasn't that bad. No one messed with me."

"Well, it's probably because you're friends with Little Miss Queen Bee," he sneered.

"Abigail and I are not friends."

"Not Abigail. She's just a Junior. Maybe next year, she can have her day on the throne. I'm talking about Maria."

"Maria is the queen bee?" I said, confused.

"Yeah. She's the head of all the committees, and everyone pretty much bends backward for her." He said, pulling out his notebook.

"She's also the sister of Robbie Bennett," he said rolling his eyes, "all the underclassman girls fall at her feet for a chance at some time with her brother." 

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