Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

We hung out at the pool for a while. Chris gave me a lot of attention that day, playing around, splashing water, tickling me, hanging around me the entire time. He was very funny, and I found it easy to talk to him. He always had something silly to say, which was nice. I sometimes felt like I never had anything to say, which was weird because I was always worrying or thinking about something. I just felt like none of it was ever interesting. Chris was a one-person show. He would recite full comedy skits or re-enact funny things that happen to someone from the group. It was fun.

Nicole, meanwhile, found herself cozy with Cameron.

Their attraction was instant. As soon as Maria introduced them to each other, it was as if everyone else stopped existing. Cameron was hot, and I did not blame her. He was an exchange student from South Africa who got a full scholarship despite his parents being wealthy. He met Maria's family because his family did a lot of business in Bolivia. Maria whispered all of this to me. We sneakily peeked at the two love birds whispering to each other at the other end of the pool.

It might have been hard for an outsider to tell, but Nicole took the idea of playing hard to get to a whole other level. But I knew this, Nicole. The enchanted one. I knew her well enough to know she was intrigued by his accent. Or it could be that fact he looked like Michael B. Jordan with an impressive six-pack and a killer smile.

"We should watch a movie," Lana said suddenly, "I'm bored of the pool, and my toes look like raisins."

"Yeah, my hands are pretty pruney," I agreed. "But Nicole and I should be heading out. It's getting late, and I don't want to be taking buses after dark."

"Aww. I thought we were going to watch a move? Sleepover!" Maria said. "All of you! I have another bed, and we could snuggle!"

Nicole's head snapped in my direction, pleading me with her eyes to say yes.

"No, I don't think it's a good idea, we're sleeping over tomorrow, and my dad is not going to be too cool with the idea of two nights in a row."

"But, Lia, you said he was doing an 18-hour shift. How would he even know? We could say that we left early for your track practice," Nicole argued.

"I agree with her, Lia. Sleepover; it will be fun, and your dad will never find out," Maria pleaded. 

I knew Nicole wanted to sleep over to spend more time with Cameron. I felt bad. She had taken her breakup with her ex-boyfriend pretty hard, and this was the first time in a while I saw her so excited.

"Fine," I said, giving in and Maria threw her arms around me. "Yay! The whole gang," She squealed.

"Not the whole gang. I actually have to go. I have SAT prep tutoring this Monday and haven't done anything," Damien said.

"Yeah, that's true; he reee-ally needs to study," Lana agreed.

"Thanks, babe," Damien said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, it is no secret you did awful last time. You took a picture of your score and posted it on Snapchat. Not that it was any surprise you've spent the whole summer playing video games instead of studying. How do you expect us to go to the same college if you can't even get the minimum score for them not to throw your application in the trash?"

"Well, if I recall, you've also been a pretty big distraction," he answered matter-of-factly.

"Yes, well, video games are not necessary; time with me is. So you need to work around that," She winked. He dove at her mouth, and they started making out again against the wall of the pool.

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