Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

I woke up the next day when the light suddenly flooded into the room. Robbie's arm curled around me and pulled me to his chest.

"Ahem." A voice said. My eyes snapped open and I felt Robbie stiffen. 

I winced holding up my hand to block the light and looked up. Maria and Lana stood by his bed, their arms crossed in front of them.

"Morning ducklings," Lana said, smiling.

"Go away," Robbie said sleepily and tossed a pillow in their direction.

"You two look really cozy," Maria said, "Lia if there was no space on my bed, we have a guest room."

"How mortifying are you guys going to make this?" I asked, covering my face with my hands.

"Because it's you, Lia, not that mortifying. My brother though, I don't know," She clicked her tongue and shrugged.

"You told me they would be up at noon," I said, turning to look at Robbie.

"It is noon; you wanted to play a game of chess and sleep late, remember?" He said, holding up his wrist to show me his watch.

"That's what you guys do when you're alone? That's more mortifying than anything I could come up with," Lana said, throwing her hands up and starting to walk out of the room.

"This is new," I said, "I haven't been keeping it from you guys for a long time." I felt guilty suddenly, friends were supposed to tell each other everything.

"Oh, honey, we know. I noticed my brother didn't come home, and I tracked him on his phone. You guys are also so awkward and obvious,"

I threw a pillow over my face peeking out the bottom.

"We ordered Mexican food," Lana said, leaning by the door frame.

"We're going to eat. We're starving; come downstairs." Maria said as they both left the room. I could hear them giggling when they got further down the hall.

Robbie took the pillow off my face. I thought his face was going to mirror my grimace of embarrassment, but instead, he looked at me, worried. Frightened? His brow was furrowed, and his eyes kept scanning my face.

"Are you going to freak out?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, sitting up.

"You didn't want people to know. Are you going to freak out? Is this over?"

"This?" I asked.

"Yeah, us," he said softly. 

"There's an us?" 

"Well, I mean I know you don't want to label it, but I mean isn't there?"

"When did I say I didn't want to label it?"

"I asked you out twice and you said no."

"You  were joking..." I said confused. 


I was taken aback, "Oh. Well, no, I'm not freaking out, just embarrassed."

I could almost see the relief flood his face, I felt jittery suddenly. 

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