Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Movie night became a whole production. Maria made the boys get her mattress off her bed frame and put it on the floor. She then made them get the mattresses from the spare rooms and put them next to hers to make a giant mattress that spanned her room's width. She covered both with blankets, duvet covers, and an unnatural number of pillows. We all laid down. I was sandwiched between Chris and Nicole. On the other side of Nicole lay Cameron.

"You have enough space?" Chris asked, his face close to mine. His eyes were so blue. "Mhm," I answered.

We first watched an old spaghetti western Jessie had picked. When it was over Maria chose an old black and white movie. It was called "A Philadelphia Story." I had seen it before, and I liked it a lot; it was hard to focus on anything when Chris was playing with my fingers under the covers. I liked Chris. He was charming and hilarious. I could feel him staring at me for most of the film.Eventually, it made me torn between liking it and finding it annoying. I wanted to see the movie.

"What?" I whispered, turning to meet his gaze.

"This movie is boring. You want to go outside?"

"No, I want to watch the movie," I said genuinely, "plus everyone is here."

"So? They're all asleep except for Maria and Jessie, and they probably will appreciate the privacy."

"I don't know, Chris," I said. I looked around and saw he was right. Lana was asleep next to him. Cameron and Nicole were spooning and whispering who knows what to each other. Maria and Jessie looked like they forgot they were other people in the room and wanted to jump each other they were talking so close I swore their lips must be touching.

"Come on," He said, putting out a hand.

I hesitated before giving in and putting my hand in his.

"Hey, Maria, I'm going to show Lia the telescope," he said, pulling me up.

"Oh, that sounds fun; maybe we'll meet you in a bit," she answered, distracted.

"Let's go," He whispered, holding out his hand for me to grab. One part of me wanted to stay and finish the movie and then just go to sleep. Another part wanted to give Jessie and Maria some space. The last part found the idea of sneaking out with Chris to be exciting. 

Come on, Lia, I argued with myself, he's cute. You're in a new city and supposed to be creating memories. I guess I gave myself a pretty compelling argument because I slipped my hand into his and allowed him to pull me up and out of the room.

He led me down the dark hallway. It was probably close to midnight, and it seemed like everyone else in the house was asleep.

We went downstairs to the kitchen, and he led me through the large glass garden doors that led outside.

I shivered and hugged my body. I was wearing a pair of Maria's joggers and a long sleeve hoodie she let me borrow. It still wasn't enough for the dropping temperature and my acclimating body.

Chris suddenly came up close to me.

"Are you cold?" He asked, pulling me close to him.

No shit, sherlock, I thought to myself. I could smell the soap he used to shower. I knew he wanted to kiss me. Unlike him, I had the ability to deduce. I asked myself if I wanted to kiss him. Not really, I decided, but the idea was not completely unappealing, and I wouldn't stop him if he tried.

I didn't really have to think about the possibility of him kissing me for too long because as soon as I shook my head in the affirmative to indicate I was somewhat cold, he put his mouth on mine. 

Okay, this was happening. He pushed me against the doors separating the cold outside air from the warm kitchen. He wasn't a bad kisser, I thought to myself. Not slobbery or anything like that. I had never really been kissed before, so I had no basis of comparison, but this seemed like what you see in the movies. I decided to stop being creepy and closed my eyes and kissed him back, and he pulled me closer to him.

We kissed like that for a while, just with our lips. Then Chris decided to up the ante and stuck his tongue into my mouth. It got a little sloppy, but still, it wasn't terrible.

 It occurred to me how clinically aware I was of what he was doing. I noticed that his breathing grew more labored. I noticed where his hands moved—the fact he liked to lean towards the right and hold my neck every so often. The kisses felt nice, so I let it happen.

I wondered if I put the beans on the right shelf when I took out Nicole's brownies. Sometimes the container they were in was pushed back into the dark recesses of the fridge, and I would find a Pyrex of smelly beans a few weeks later. I made a mental note to make sure that would not happen.

 I felt the urge at one point to look at my watch to see how long we had been kissing. Then I thought that would be rude and pushed the thought aside.

I wondered if this is what making out was supposed to be like. If it was, why did people do this so often? Seemed like a poor use of time. 

I am assuming it felt alright for him because I could feel his friend against my hip. His hand hovered near the hem of my hoodie, and he broke the kiss to move to my neck. Sucking and biting. I have to admit it sent shivers up my arms. I wondered briefly what nerve endings were there and the way they were connected to cause such a reaction. Pop! His lips made a sound coming off my neck. Vacuum cleaner much?

"Slow down, cowboy," I said, "Don't give me a hickey."

He snorted, "you're so weird, don't worry, I know what I'm doing," he said before resuming his task.

I sighed. This time I sneaked a look at my watch. ten minutes. Felt like an hour. I started solving math problems in my head to pass the time. I wondered how long normal people did this for. I would have to ask Nicole when we had a moment alone. 



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