Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Authors note: If you like my story please vote and comment. It lets me know that you enjoy the direction it is going in. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


Maria decided the day was lovely and we should eat our brunch outside. We laid out in her garden by a large fountain and got to know each other. I liked Chris and Jesse. They made me laugh so hard at times, tears came out of my eyes.

I took notice that Maria was head over heels for Jesse and hung onto every word he said. I know I had just met her, but this was the quietest she had been in the last 24 hours. I looked over at Robert; he was also quiet. He had been texting the entire time, a small crease dented his forehead from frowning at his phone. Suddenly he got up and left. Maria and Chris gave each other a look.

"So, Lia," Chris turned to me, "what grade are you starting?"

"I'm going to be a junior, what about you?"

"Same; I hope we get some classes together." He winked.

"Why, so you can copy off her work?" Jesse teased. "Don't let him copy off you, Lia. Make him do his own work."

"Dude," Chris jokingly whispered, "Why do you have to ruin my plans?" He turned to me. 

"Anyways, Lia, we could study together. I am a great study partner."

"Lia, the only thing he's good at studying is anatomy," Jesse teased.

"Bruh, does bro code mean anything to you?" He said, smacking him with a lawn chair pillow.

I laughed. Maria rolled her eyes. "It doesn't seem like it, but he is smart despite acting like an idiot," she said, referring to Chris.

"Anyways, Lia, we should get started on planning our routine."

At that moment, Robert came back with a curvy blonde at his side. 

"Hi Abby," Maria said.

Abby waved at her, she looked annoyed, and Robert didn't look too pleased either. She noticed me and squinted her eyes. Wait. Did she just roll her eyes at me? Figures, the snob would have an equally snobby girlfriend. Like attracts like, right?

"We're going to go upstairs; I'll talk to you guys later," Robert said, leading her up the stairs.

Chris rolled his eyes when they left.

"Can they ever just be normal?"

Maria looked at me embarrassed, "Abigail is the daughter of some family friends. Her family has stake in my families company so our grandparents and her parents have been really pushing for her and Robbie to date since forever. She can be nice, kind of a snob, mostly she's just harmless... mostly."

"They always fight," Chris added, "It's annoying, and she doesn't like me, Jessie, and Lana because we aren't 'old' money."

Maria made a tight-lipped smile, "As I said, she can be a snob. But my family has been shoving her down Robbie's throat for years now. I usually just pretend she doesn't exist."

"It's easy for you to ignore her, Mar— you aren't in her grade and have to deal with her and her groupies every day. She's nice to you because she wants your brother," Chris said.

"You've hooked up with half those groupies," she said in response.

"Oh, they aren't dating?" I asked and then regretted it; I don't know why I was so nosy; it was none of my business.

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