Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

I spent Saturday morning studying, and around noon, I decided I wanted to take a break before I cracked down on my part of the project. The weather seemed really nice, and I decided to go outside and read. 

It had rained the day before, and the showers left behind a cold front. The afternoon was chillier than I preferred, but with a cozy sweater, fuzzy socks, and the sun's rays, I could get some good reading done. I crawled out of my window to the fire escape and used an old dictionary to hold it open.

I fluffed my pillows and laid back, sipping some warm coffee, and reading my required reading for English. We had to read Grapes of Wrath. I was actually rather into it. I had only ever read of Mice and Men from Steinbeck, but his prose always impressed me. After a while, my back started hurting, so I poked my head into the apartment to grab another pillow.

Then it happened, as I came back out, my elbow hit the dictionary. I didn't notice what I had done until the window clicked shut. I looked at the window with my jaw hanging for a few seconds, my brain refusing to understand what just happened. 

I felt the tiny hairs in the back of my neck stand up as I came to a sudden realization that my dad was not going to be back until tomorrow. Ladies and gentlemen, I was stuck on my fire escape.


Okay, first thing, I still had my phone with me, so that was good. I called my dad, and as expected, he didn't pick up. He wasn't allowed to have his cellphone during surgery and kept in a locker on silent. As I ended the call, a call from Maria came in.

"Hey, what's up?" She said.

"I just locked myself out of my house," I said, still in shock over what I had just done.


"I locked myself out of my house on my fire escape."

"Why were you on your fire escape?"

"I was reading. I don't know what to do."

"You already tried calling your dad, I assume?"

"Yes, he didn't pick up, and I have no idea where he is today. They move him around to different hospitals."

"Can you go down the ladder and go through the lobby?"

"My building doesn't have a lobby, and you need a key to get through the front. Do you think I can just sleep here?" I asked, surveying my current dwelling.

"Lia, it's cold, and it's going to rain tonight," She said, her voice taking a motherly tone.

I pushed on the ladder, and it dropped.

"The ladder works."

"Awesome. Your building isn't a fire hazard! Just get down and get a cab to my house? You can sleep there."

"Who's going to let me in?"

"Robbie is there, and if not, I can give you the combination for the side door. It has a keyless lock."

"Okay. You're my angel or fairy godmother or like a really responsible parent," I said to her.

She giggled. "Of course. You're too funny Lia, hurry up and get down. The temperature is going to drop as the night comes in."

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