Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

My alarm woke me up at seven, a soft vibration under my hip, and I opened my eyes to see the sun still had not risen. Robbie slept beside me, his body curled up against mine. Maria was next to me, and Abigail slept on a mattress Robbie carried in from a spare room. We all refused to spend our night with the hostile adults downstairs and instead hid in Robbie's room and watched a movie until we fell asleep. I was suddenly thirsty. I reached over to Robbie's nightstand to grab my water bottle, only to find it empty.

I groaned and sat up the shift causing Robbie to squeeze me tighter and press kisses to my hip. His eyes fluttering open when he realized he had missed my hair by quite a bit.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily.

"Shhh, it's seven," I whispered. Maria was usually a light sleeper, but she had thrown back one or two or three drinks after last night and was drooling next to me.

"It's too early, my love." He whispered back with his eyes closed.

"I'm thirsty; I'm going to get water," I said, moving his arm off me.

"I'll be back," I said, kissing his nose.

I crawled out of bed and went downstairs. The house was eerily quiet in the mornings. The sun hadn't come up past the horizon and there was purple cast on the garden has the night lost its daily battle. The roses were back I noticed. I hadn't seen them since the fall. I grabbed a glass of water and contemplated drinking it outside.

"Girl, come here." A voice ordered sternly. I peeked into the large sitting area adjacent to the kitchen. Clarissa was sitting on an upholstered armchair in front of a large window overlooking the garden waiting for the sun to peek out from behind the hedges.

I froze. Was she talking to me?

"Cecilia, I asked you to come." She said, not bothering to look in my direction.

I winced, "Sorry." I said and walked into the large room. I don't know why she terrified me. Last night looking at his grandfather just made me angry. Looking at her was another story, she made my blood run cold.

"Take a seat."

I sat on an armchair across from her.

"What are your intentions with my grandson?"

"I'm sorry?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Your intentions, are you in love with him? Do you intend to marry him? Is this just a fling?"

"Umm. Yes, I don't know, and I hope not?" I said, trying to be lighthearted.

She looked at me, her eyes swept my appearance from my socked feet to my messy hair. They were cold and impassive, and I squirmed in my seat from the scrutiny.

"Have a biscuit," she pointing to the open cookie box with her eyes.

"I'm not hungry," I said my voice almost a squeak.

"I didn't ask," she responded, taking a small sip of tea.

I grabbed a shortbread cookie from the tray and nibbled on it a little, using one hand to catch any crumbs.

"You seem so unassuming to most people. Are you aware of how unassuming you are? Like a little mouse. But I know better. I had my eye on you from the very beginning—that day at the dinner. My grandson sat next to the Fisher girl. She is very beautiful. Breathtaking even and the entire time he was looking you."

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