Bonus Chapter 1

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Hey guys, some updates. I am currently more than halfway (55k words) through the second book and will start posting soon. I wanted to get the more complicated part of the story written/outlined since I am trying to avoid plotholes.

It's a bit of a mystery novel, and they require planning, unlike straight romance that is more linear.

I still haven't figured out a name, I currently have it titled: Forget You, but I feel like it's a little bit cheesy. I wanted the titles to have something to do with each other, and that was my (sad) attempt. If any of you lovely readers have suggestions, I will totally take them :D! You can drop them as a comment, and I would appreciate it big time. 

Then again it's Wattpad, so if I can't think of anything else, pull out some crackers we're going with the cheese. 

Thank you to all my new readers <3 Enjoy this bonus chapter. It's a long one. If it is too long let me know I can split it into two parts :)!

Booth Chapter 33 Robbie POV

This was so boring. This was the worse part of going to a private school like Trinity. All the stupid events. Abigail had found her new boyfriend, some college guy. He seemed like a cool guy, he thanked me for bringing her, and they left to dance or do who knows what.

As I was leaning against the wall, I overheard my sister ask Lia to fill in for one of those ridiculous booths they force us to participate in every year. Still, my ears perked up, as they tended to do lately when anything concerned Cecilia.

"Hey, Robbie you want to dance?" A curvy brunette asked me. I could see her friends in the background huddled together and whispering to each other. 

"I can't,"  I said distractedly trying to hear what was going on in the other room. 

"Oh, I thought you and Abigail broke up," she said slightly confused.

"Uhm, yeah, Jennifer," I said not really paying attention to her. 

I could hear Lia's voice, she asked about me momentarily, she seemed kind of annoyed, but it was difficult to tell with her. I thought we were okay; why, the hostility? I could tell from the tone of her voice that she was obviously uncomfortable, 'tell her no, Lia,' I thought to myself. 

She was too nice. My sister had her wannabe lawyer voice on, and I was not surprised when Lia finally conceded.

 I peered around the column I was next to and saw my sister give this tall senior named Jenna the list and instruct her to add Lia's name. I had to see who she paired Lia with.

"Okay, well, one dance?" Jennifer asked, smiling at me, oblivious to my current state of urgency.

"I can't right now, Jen. I'm busy," I said, and she looked at me strangely. I had been looking more bored than an Amish electrician two minutes ago.

"I'll see you around," I said, patting her arm, not bothering to give her a reason. I heard her huff and go back to her friend. I went after my sister and Jenna. I had to get Jenna alone; Lana or my sister would not let me get away with anything.

After a few minutes, I finally saw Jenna by herself; She whispered something to a girl next to her and then stepped into the bathroom. She didn't have the list. What the hell? I just saw her with it. I looked around and saw that she had asked this other girl, Diana to briefly take over.

This was actually better. Diana, I could convince easily. She had been in love with me since the 7th grade. 

I sauntered over to her. "Hey Diana," I said, giving her my most charming smile.

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