Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I left the library and took out my map. My first class was down the hall, so I didn't really have to look for it. Suddenly someone covered my eyes from behind. I put my hand over them and felt that they belonged to a guy.


"How'd you know?" he asked and came up beside me smiling.

I hugged him.

"How are you? You went to Germany this past week, right?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I had to visit uncle, he just had a baby. Want to see pictures?" He asked excitedly.

"Sure," I said not wanting to take away from his happiness.

"What do you have first?" He asked me while he took out his phone. 

"I have calc."

"Oh! Me too," he said, grinning. "Let's walk together," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "You were going the wrong way, by the way."

"No, I wasn't. I was following the map," I said showing him my school map. 

"It's upside-down; they had a misprint." He said, taking the paper out of my hand and flipping it.

I looked at it, dumbfounded, "Thanks for the heads up."

"Of course." He took out his phone to show me the baby pictures as we went down the hallway. Calculus was fun. I thought it would just be a quick intro and the syllabus, but our professor got right into the first chapter. I had already taken it the previous year, so I already knew a lot about it.

I answered all of the professor's questions and was even able to work out the extra credit problem he had written on the board.

When it was over, Chris asked me where my next class was. I showed him my schedule and the map. His next class was the opposite way, so he pointed me in the right direction, and we went our separate ways. The school was a lot bigger than it looked. It was made of many stone archways, long hallways, and old staircases. At one point, I lost my way. When I finally figured out the correct hallway and found my next class, I was a minute late.

I walked into the large classroom; it had rows of long science lab tables, the ones with the black rubber tops that sit around three students. I would draw messages on them with my fingers in middle school.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed the professor at the front. He was an older man with a tidy mustache. He took out an old pocket watch and made a show of checking the time.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you're late." He admonished.

"I'm sorry, I'm new, and the map is a misprint," I said, holding up my folded map.

He glanced at me again, "Map or not. You're still late. Take the empty seat next to Mr. Bennett. Mr. Bennett, will you please raise your hand."

I looked up to see Robbie raising his hand, a curious gleam in his eye. Next to him sat Abigail. She was looking down at her cuticles; her blonde hair was in perfect waves.

I walked over and took the empty seat next to Robbie. His eyes followed me the entire way. He had a mirthful expression in his green eyes that both annoyed me and made my stomach do a few flips.

I heard Abigail scoff under her breath as I went to sit and noticed her scootch her seat a little closer to Robbie.

I took out my notebook and pencil case and dutifully organized my space, trying to ignore the spicy smell of his cologne and his proximity.

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