Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Apparently, Robbie was just as anal about school as I was. Arguably more, he had already set up charts with planning for the project's entirety and made his own rubric.

"Wow, I thought I was productive yesterday," I said, my eyes widening when he pulled out a science board filled with schedules and charts.

"Well, I'm taking into consideration that I will be out next week."

"Oh. Responsible," I said, impressed.

He slightly blushed and took his glasses out of his case. Somehow Robbie putting on glasses had the opposite effect of what glasses did to Clark Kent.

I stared at him unabashedly. Lately, I had somewhat gotten used to being around him, and my staring had gotten a lot better. Often, he did things, and I was suddenly taken aback by how good looking he was.

I suddenly felt awkward with myself. I hadn't brushed my hair since yesterday. A ran a hand absentmindedly through my wavy hair to try to calm down what I was sure was a mess of frizz and random curls.

"You okay?' He asked, taking out his computer.

"Mhm," I almost squeaked.

We worked on the assignment for almost three hours straight when Robbie laid back and groaned "I'm starving."

"I know I went online and saw someone posted a video of a breakfast quesadilla and it looked so good."

"We should make it,"

"Sure," I said halfheartedly. I noticed he stood up and held out his hand.

"Oh, you're serious?" I said, surprised.

"Yeah, aren't you hungry?" He said, shrugging.

"Uhm, yeah, I could eat," I said, putting my hand in his so he could help me up.

"How are we going to do this? I lean against you and we go slow?" I asked.

"Or I could just carry you, and it would be a lot faster," He said slowly as if that were the most obvious solution.

"Down the stairs?"

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" He asked, not understanding my reluctance.

"Those stairs have a lot of steps. What if you trip?" I said, looking at him as if he was crazy.

"We talked about this earlier, then you become my best friend. It all works out," He grinned.

"Umm, no, that's terrifying. My scholarship is balancing on a precipice as it is."

"Lia, we'll be fine, I promise, trust me," He said, chuckling and rolling his eyes. He placed his hand on my back and waited expectantly.

"Fine," I relented and placed an arm over his shoulder, and he scooped me up with a hand behind my knees.
Once we were in the kitchen, he placed me on the counter next to the stove. I took out my phone to look at the video.

"We need..." I started trying to fast forward to where the girl was getting the ingredients. Robbie leaned over the counter to look at my phone. His body pressed against my leg and his hand on my knee. I felt my pulse quicken and tried to concentrate on finding the right timestamp.

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