Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When I got home, as expected, my dad wasn't home yet. He left a note on the kitchen counter saying he was working until four in the morning. Telling me to not wait up for him. I decided that I was going to make myself lunch and then try and clean up the apartment. I was feeling pretty good about the day. While I had been pretty nervous about track practice I had ended up making a friend.

A new friend with an extremely attractive brother, my inner voice teased.

I quickly put that thought aside. These were extremely wealthy Holy Trinity kids from a completely different world. I made myself a hummus and zucchini sandwich and noted that my dad needed to go to the grocery store.

I decided to call Nicole and catch up while I ate. 

I met Nicole in fifth grade. One of the popular boys was being a jerk to me, and she stole his shoes and threw them over the fence into a property attached to our recess field.

The place belonged to a man who raised peacocks. They pecked at you from behind that fence, and no one was brave enough to ever get closer than arm's length.

No one suspected sweet, quiet Nicole to have done such a thing, and the boy spent the rest of the day in his socks.

After that, Nicole and I were tight as Ziploc. We both liked to spend our lunches reading, and she always gave me half her cosmic brownie and her milk box. I did her math homework when she forgot it and braided her hair into dutch braids before school.

Nicole developed to be very pretty. She had brown skin and big brown eyes; her body was the definition of an hourglass, and boys paid attention to her even if she never actually asked for it.

She didn't seem to bask in it either; she only really ever had one boyfriend, and he broke up with her when she wouldn't sleep with him.

She was devastated in the way one usually seems to be when they lose their first love. I hadn't experienced that feeling yet, so it was hard to understand why she wouldn't just move on even after half a year.

The day I told her I was moving, it rained all morning. We had to hang around the gym during physical education. There wasn't enough space for everyone to practice a sport, so we just lay on the floor and talked while listening to music.

I had already gotten my Academic Scholarship. A big part of me thought Trinity was a fever dream that would never actually come to fruition, so I never really mentioned it to her.

The day we sat in our sports clothes towards the back of the gymnasium. I nudged a tan knee against her brown one.

"What's up?" she had asked. I told her everything in almost one breath, and when I finished, she stared at me as if she hadn't really heard a word I said.

I was about to ask her if she was okay.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

She was upset for the better half of the day, but she was over it by lunch and spent the entire half-hour looking up pictures of the school on her phone. She stalked their Instagram, their Snapchat.

"Why is everyone at this school so attractive?" She asked, zooming into a class picture.

"Plastic surgeons and thousand-dollar facials?" I guessed.

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