Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I went downstairs to find Maria and found her talking with her mother. Her mother looked stunning. I had never seen her dressed up. She really cleaned up well, and I could imagine her turning heads despite being well into her forties. 

I hadn't seen her much since the day we ate lunch. On the rare occasions that I did get to see her, it was always special. On days where she was better, we would watch movies on her bed, and she would listen to Maria tell her stories about her day. On the days when she was not bedridden, we would lay out in the sun together. 

She had a love for birds and had an aviary that she would spend her time in. She would call it their temporary home because it was mostly for birds that were hurt or ill. Students from the university used to come and study birds and research migrating populations. This all, of course, occurred before their father's death. Still, despite her health, it was one of the few things she kept up. She always told me different bird facts and became excited when one was better and set free.

I liked her a lot.

I missed my mom, she and I were close, and although we spoke every night, I hadn't seen her in a long time. My brothers were in a traveling basketball team, and she was taking them to games and practices every day. Unfortunately, that meant she wouldn't be able to visit us for another few weeks.

"Cecilia," she said, smiling, "You look so beautiful."

"Thank you," I responded, blushing. She gave me a warm hug and kiss.

"Doesn't that dress fit her so well?" Maria asked. "It was always too short on me, but it looks like it was made for you."

"She looks lovely," Her mother said, taking my hand in hers and giving it a warm squeeze.

"Come, Lia, I'll introduce you to everyone," Maria said.

I followed her around, and she introduced me to her cousins and aunts. They were all pleasant. Some were a bit cold and gave me a look as if they wondered where I came from, but still polite. Others seemed like they were fun to be around. I didn't see why Maria made such a big deal. They seemed like a regular family at a regular family gathering. Just, you know, with an abnormal amount of money.

She led me towards another room at her house. I could see at the back end of the room sat an older woman. She looked at us curiously and I was going to ask Maria who that was when we bumped into Robbie and Abigail coming down the stairs. Abigail made a show of fixing the strap on her dress as if she recently slipped it on.

"Maria, hi. Robbie was looking for you." She smiled.

"What did you want, little brother?"

"I was wondering if you knew where father's notebook was? The one we found today. I wanted to show my grandmother."


He looked at her suspiciously. "You were the last one to look at it. I left it in your hands."

"Must have misplaced it. You know how scatterbrained I could be. I'm sure it's around." She smiled.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"I don't know what you mean, little brother."

He glared at her.

"Robbie, she says she doesn't know where it is," Abigail said, slipping her arm around his.

"Listen to your girlfriend, Robert."

His jaw clenched, and I could see his breathing was heavier. He turned to look at me, ignoring both of them. "Have you seen it? Do you know where she hid it?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about," I answered truthfully.

"Robbie, you're acting erratically," Abigail whispered. She put a hand to his cheek to turn his face to look at her, and he grabbed it and took it down without even budging.

"Why would Lia even tell you if she knew. She's my friend, not yours."

He considered me, his green eyes boring into mine, then turned back to his sister.

"Maria, this isn't funny. He was not just your father. You don't even want anything to do with what he did. That book should be mine, and you know it."

She crossed her arms in front of her. "Robert, everything that belonged to Father belongs to both of us equally. I am not giving the book to you and especially not to our grandmother." She rolled her eyes. "I knew you were going to give it to her. You are such a kiss ass."

"Hey, Maria, that is not fair," Abigail said, raising her voice. Wow, she has a personality.

"Your brother is the reason you will have this lifestyle in the future. I don't see you making any efforts."

"Shut up, Abby, this doesn't concern you." Maria spat.

"Robbie, I am not giving you the book. Not until the grandmother goes back to Bolivia. Come on, Lia." She said and walked between us to head to the other room.

I turned to follow her, and I felt Robbie grab my wrist. His hand was warm and sent a current of electricity up my arm. What the hell was this? Did he feel this too?

He brought me closer to him and looked down at me.

"Lia, do you promise you haven't seen anything?"

"Robert, I haven't," I said, leaning away from him, and before I could stop myself, I added, "either way, don't be so desperate; I'm sure you'll find something else."

I saw his eyes widen almost imperceptibly, and I put my hand on the one he had around my wrist and slipped it off.

When I joined Maria in the parlor she took my hand in hers, "Lia, I am so sorry. I'll explain later," she said, shaking her head.

"It's okay," I answered. "It's none of my business." I smiled at her to let her know I was genuine.

"Robbie can be so intense; sometimes, it drives me crazy, and Abigail does not help the situation."

"Maria, you don't have to explain anything to me, it's fine. You should see the fights me and my siblings get into." I joked.

We made our way across the room. I could feel the woman from earlier still looking at us. Maria noticed it as well. "Let's get this over with" She sighed. The woman sat in the back of the parlor. A blonde woman who looked like she had a good relationship with her plastic surgeon told her story that she seemed to have no interest in.

"That's grandma the one next to her is Abigail's mother; I apologize for anything my grandmother says in advance."

I think I audibly gulped.

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