Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Authors note: If you like my story please vote and comment. It lets me know that you enjoy the direction it is going in. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


Robbie stopped the car, and I looked up from my phone. I had been texting my mom to tell her how I was doing. We had barely spoken these past few days. She was so busy with my brothers and I was busy setting everything up. We had fallen into a game of phone tag where we didn't really have time to have a proper conversation. 

I felt rude to be texting while Robbie drove me, but I didn't know what to say after the conversation had become somber. To be honest I didn't really want to say anything either. 

I looked at him confused by our sudden stop. We had just passed a dense forest. There was no way we could be at their house.

"Why'd you stop? I asked him?"

"We're here, just need to find the remote to open the gate."

I looked up to see a colossal manor behind an iron-wrought gate. It looked like something you would see in a BBC special on some Bronte book.

"Are you serious? This is your house?"

"Yeah," He answered, reaching over me to open the dashboard.

"This is not a house; this a museum," I said in awe.

"Sometimes we have galleries, where we open it to the public so, yeah, I guess it's both. Found it," he groaned, reaching deep into the console.

He looked up at me after finding the remote, and I suddenly realized how close he was. He had put his sunglasses upon his head, and I could see the smattering of freckles on his nose and the specks of blue and yellow in his green eyes. My stomach involuntarily flipped, and my head told it to calm the eff down, remembering how rude he was. This guy can take his stunning green eyes and fly a kite somewhere.

"Yay! You're here!" Said a voice from behind the gate. I saw Robbie's jaw clench, and he sat upright in his seat as he pressed the button to open the gate.

Maria motioned for him to put down the convertible's top, and after he did, she jumped into the back seat.

"Lia!" She hugged me from the back seat. "Baby brother, thank you," She said and ruffled Robbie's hair, something he did not seem to like very much. He was very cat-like, I observed.

Robbie drove into the estate, and Maria leaned over the seat to look at me.

"So, how are you guys doing? I hope your ride was alright; sorry again for not coming with Robbie to pick you up."

"It's okay," I said.

"I got breakfast, so I hope you're hungry."

"I could eat," I said, smiling. Food always turned my mood around.

Robbie dropped us off at the front. He said it looked like it was going to rain, and he wanted to put the car in the garage.

Once he drove off, Maria turned to face me, "Okay, was he super awkward? I am so sorry again; I know my brother can be kind of taciturn... for lack of a better word."

Taciturn. I mused. Was that private school lingo for pompous ass?

"I mean, he was quiet, but afterward, we talked a bit, and it was okay." I decided not to tell Maria about our conversation. The fact that her brother was a presumptuous snob was not her fault. She was obviously really sweet and nothing like him.

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