Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Since the disaster of the party, I purposely avoided Robbie. I didn't want to admit it, but his comment hurt. Whenever he entered a room, I made an excuse to leave. When he offered to take us somewhere, I made sure to have an uber scheduled. Nicole left for Miami two nights after the party. She was sad because, after their fabulous night of dancing, Cameron did not text her at all.

"I know I only knew him for two weeks, but I thought we had made a connection. I wonder if I said something—off?"

"You didn't say anything off in front of me. Maybe Cameron is just a snob. I mean, he is best friends with Robert," I knew it was petty to say, but I couldn't help taking a dig at Robert. 

"Yeah, but Cameron was not snobby at all. He was so sweet and kind. We spent a whole night talking on the phone. He was so easy to talk to." She said the last part with a tone of yearning.

"You never know Nico," I shrugged for emphasis even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Do you think you can ask Maria and Lana if they know anything?"

"Yeah, of course."

Keeping my promise, I asked Maria what happened, but she said that she had no idea. She mentioned she would see if she could corner him and fish something out. Unfortunately, it would be difficult as he'd been hanging out with Robbie pretty much every day.

Since Maria was busy with her family that had come to visit, I had more time to hang out with Liam. I have hung out with him twice since the museum. The first time we went to a movie. He was really into films like me, and there was a mini-movie festival that was showing classics. We decided to go on their Hitchcock night.

Liam was—nice. Sometimes a little abrasive but nice. He liked art and sports, and that was about it. It was enough for us to find things to do in common. We would go to art museums, and he would talk about all the paintings and sculptures. He would tell me the history behind each one. 

 It was nice; I was a good listener. Also, to be honest, these last few days, I was so tired and lethargic that I didn't have the energy to make conversation anyway. When I was not having a good day he knew to shift and become a good listener and that was good enough for me. We also ran together. He was decent and was able to keep up.

In return for running with him, I would help him with his lacrosse drills. I did not know much about the sport, it was not an option in public school at home, but he seemed to be really good. It made me wonder if Robert was as good.

Sometimes I would watch Liam practice with his private club. It was an alright sport to watch. The boys on the team were all pretty good-looking.

A lot of them were Trinity boys. I recognized them from the party Maria and Robbie had. Chris was also a member of the club. He would wink at me every time he did something impressive, and I would roll my eyes in response. He had also become a pretty good friend. Our triste was mentioned every so often as friendly teasing, but never anything more.

Other than practice with his Lacrosse team, Liam avoided anything to do with Trinity Prep —aside from parties, of course.

For that reason, I tried to avoid mentioning anything to do with school and especially anything to do with The Bennett's. Keyword: Tried.

This week with everything that had happened, It wasn't difficult.

"Is everything alright with you and Maria?" He asked me one day after a long run.

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