Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

"Turn the page," Robbie said softly.

I snapped out my daze. I was riding the subway back home with Robbie. He was leaning against a pole, and I was leaning against him. I didn't have my crutches anymore, but we decided to continue our commute as we had been. It was a lot more comfortable this way anyway. Also, Robbie had argued, if I lost my balance and fell, it would set back all the healing my leg did this week.

It was a 40-minute subway ride, so we got into the habit of reading together. He held the book with one hand and me with his other. I hugged his waist and flipped the pages when needed. It was a good system. We read at a similar pace, so we never had to wait too long for each other.

"Sorry," I said, reaching up to turn the page.

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing, just reading."

"Ok, what did you think about the part where Jane Eyre runs away from the orphanage?"

"I thought good for her," I said, resting my head on his chest.

He closed the book, "I made that up. What are you thinking?"

I looked up at him hesitantly; I don't know why I was suddenly so nervous.

"I was asked to go to the ballet this weekend, and I said yes," I said, not meeting his eyes. I felt him stiffen and noticed his brow furrow.

"You were asked?"

"Like a date."

"So last minute?" He asked, confused.

"Well, it was Maria's idea; she roped me into it."

He let out a measured breath, "Of course it was her idea. So, who's the lucky guy?"


He tried to hide the twitch is mouth and the humor in his eyes, but I caught it.

"Robbie, don't start; he's really nice."

"He is very...nice," He teased.

"I felt so bad, she and Lana put us both on the spot, and he's so sweet I didn't want to embarrass him."

"I'll talk to my sister."

"She meant well."

"I'm sure she did," He said drily, and after a beat, he chuckled.


"Nothing, just relieved, I guess." He said while pulling me to stand between his legs.

"Why, relieved?"

"Because I thought it would be with someone else. Someone more like you," He said, scratching his eyebrow.


"You and Gareth aren't going to date seriously. The guy watches wrestling," He said, chuckling.

"That's a little presumptuous of you," I said, frowning and pushing away on his chest, "not to mention rude. He's a nice guy and hasn't done anything to you."

He sighed, "It's not presumptuous. He talks about professional wrestling all the time in the locker room with the other meatheads. In 5th grade, his birthday was WWE themed. I don't dislike the guy. He's nice and not at all a creep. I just know you aren't going to like him in that manner. There's nothing he can say to you that you don't already know."

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