Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

The following week I didn't really have much time to think about what her grandmother said to me. We were in full finals and AP test prep mode. Robbie was traveling a lot to see his grandfather. His grandfather really put his foot down after the birthday dinner. A power move, Maria had said. Robbie was here during the week, for school, and come Friday afternoon, he was on a plane. I was so busy with school I barely saw him when he was here.

Following that week we had finals, and then school was over. We technically had two weeks after finals, but upperclassmen did not have to attend unless they needed to finish something for a club or get things ready for the following year.

I was studying for chem Thursday night when I heard a soft tap on my window. Robbie.

I crawled across my bed to open the curtain and push up the windowpane.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were getting ready to leave tomorrow?"

"I missed you,"

"Oh," I said, the butterflies flooding into my chest.

"Let me in? It's chilly," He whispered. 

My dad was home tonight, so we had to speak in low voices. We'd done this before—him sneaking over despite my dad being home. I locked my door and played classical music all night, and my dad never noticed. He slept like a rock and never came into my room. We never had sex or anything. Robbie was too terrified to try anything while he was there, but we would sleep together, and it made it a lot easier to take me to school the next day.

"Oh, yeah," I said, making space for him to come in.

He gave me a kiss and then looked at my bed. There were papers everywhere.

"We really need to get you a desk." He said, getting up and opening my bottom drawer. Underneath my track uniforms, I kept sweatpants and t-shirts for when he slept over.

"How's the studying for chem going? Did the notes my tutor gave me help?" He said, stripping down.

My brain had left the building. He saw me ogling him and laughed, throwing his shirt at my face.

"Focus, love,"

"Yeah, they helped." I said taking the shirt off and throwing it back to him "I've been getting 90s and higher on the practice tests."

"So we can stop studying for tonight?" He said, smiling.

"Yeah, I guess I've had a pretty productive day," I said. He didn't need any more prompting. "Excellent," he said as he gathered all my papers into a neat pile and started putting them in my chem binder.

I lay down on my bed once it was cleared off, and Robbie lay down next to me.

"Hey, it's your birthday in 10 minutes," I said.

"Yeah, that also why I came here; I didn't want to spend my birthday with a grumpy old man,"

"Don't lie, you just wanted your present."

"You got me a present?" He said, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, of course, silly," I said, looking at him with my eyes narrowed.

"That reminds me," He said and reached over to grab the jeans he was wearing, digging inside their pockets.

"I got you this," He said, handing me a box.

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