Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Our run was mostly in silence. Maria seemed more stressed than usual.

"I know it shouldn't bother me so much, but I really wish he would sometimes just sell the damn business."

"Maybe this is what he wants?"

"No. I know my brother. He can be an ass and sometimes rude—"

"Sometimes?" I scoffed, interrupting her.

"I know. I was there when he said the rude comment about you at the party. Still, he is the most loyal person I know, and he is doing this out of duty to my grandparents. I know that he doesn't seem like the best guy, but Robbie is a bleeding heart. You give him a sob story, and you can pretty much manipulate him to do whatever you want. My grandparents know this. Abigail knows this."

I stayed silent because I really didn't know what to say. After our run, we went to a gym that Maria belonged to. She said we should shower before lunch since we were going to a pretty nice place. She had brought me a dress I could change into.

We showered, blow-dried our hair, and got ready in the swanky gym bathroom.

"The other thing you have to understand is that Robbie and I used to be so close, and he would always hang out with Lana and me. Now all he does is work on the business and bang Abigail. I already lost my parents; I don't want to lose my brother as well."

"I figured that's where this was coming from."

"I know you did. You're annoyingly observant about some things."

I laughed, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I mean that if you were more observant, you would have figured out my brother did not mean what he said that day."

I shook my head.

She shrugged and grabbed her bag, "I bet you anything my brother will meet us today. When he does, it's not to make nice with me."

I rolled my eyes. We walked down the street to the restaurant and made it just in time for our reservations.

As we were nearing the entrance, I noticed a tall figure leaning against the lamp post. He wore a dark green sweater and dress pants.

"Told you." She whispered.

"You came." She said to her brother.

"I did," He nodded.

"Bailed on Abigail's lunch?"

"I never said I was going to go," He said, opening the door for us.

The hostess waited for us right at the entrance.

"Good afternoon," She greeted, and then she took us to a marble table with dark green tufted chairs.

Another server pulled out the seats for Maria and me.

"Thank you," we said

"Of course, ladies, our pleasure."

When they pulled out a chair for Robbie, he sat down without a word. I noticed the nervous exchange the servers gave each other.

I guess his reputation as an ass preceded him.

I involuntarily rolled my eyes, and he noticed. His eyes squinted in a glare.

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