Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I stared up at her in awe.

We just finished one of the most challenging workouts I've ever done; Normal people would look like a mess. Instead, Maria somehow looked like a glimmering Greek goddess ready to pose for her statue.

"You want a ride?" She asked, taking her thick mane out of her ponytail and wrapping it into a messy bun at the top of her head.

"A ride?" I said, confused; I thought everyone in New York took public transportation or a taxi.

"Yeah, my little brother is picking me up. We live in New Jersey and make the trip over for school. He can give you a lift home or to your dad's hospital if you want."

I peered over and saw a shiny black BMW 2-door coup waiting behind her.

"Uhm—" I started wracking my brain for an excuse to get out of this. My social anxiety was flaring up at the idea of being in a car with two strangers.

"Say, yes! Come on so we can hang out a little longer!" She said, jutting out her bottom lip in a pout, without waiting for an answer she grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

She held my hand as we walked down the sidewalk leading the way before stopping in front of the car. Inside sat a boy that looked to be my age. I recognized him as the boy from the airplane—the rude one. I should have made the connection. He was just as stunning as his sister—wavy brown hair, tan skin, and green eyes that reminded me of a Forest.  

He was leaning sideways on the seat, and I could tell he was tall. His lean body was reclined against the car door, and he looked very bored and was swiping through his phone. He had his left arm hanging out the window. I noticed he held what looked like a hand-rolled cigarette, but it smelled like something else. 

"Lia, this my brother Robbie. Robert, this is my new friend Lia. We are going to take her home," she said, pulling the front seat forward and pushing me into the car. I noticed that she didn't pose it as a question. 

"Hi," I said, smiling shyly, embarrassed that I was going to make this boy drive out of his way.

Robert looked up from his phone. His eyes had the same effect they did on the plane. My heart rate sped up a little and I felt my stomach do a flip. He looked me up and down as he took a drag, his eyes were hooded and his eyelashes cast a shadow on his cheeks. His eyes met mine for a second and then flicked down.  Seemingly unimpressed with what he saw, he went back to his phone. I felt a wave of heat rise up my cheeks. 

I usually didn't care about my appearance. I got dressed in a rush this morning with spandex shorts and a large t-shirt. I braided my hair in a french braid sans mirror while I was on the bus. I'm sure it looked like a mess by the end of practice.  Track practice had left me muddy, sweaty, and I didn't need a mirror to know my cheeks were pink as they usually got from running. I could feel my cheeks flushing even more as I became more aware of my appearance.

"I can just take the bus, Maria, it's not a problem," I said, feeling self-conscious.

"No, girl, don't be shy; we can drive you home. What's your address?" she asked. She had managed to push me into the seat of the coup and then snapped the passenger seat back into place, trapping me. Were they kidnapping me?

I looked at Robert wondering if he would give any complaints about his sister's sudden demand to take me home. He threw out his cigarette or blunt or whatever he was smoking out the window and wordlessly put the car in drive.

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