Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Finally, it was time for History. I grabbed a testing laptop from the class rack and sat down next to Abigail. She was wearing a beautiful silk scarf around her neck. When I sat down, she made a show of adjusting it, and I could see a hickey that she had poorly covered with make-up. I am sure I knew who made that mark on her neck, and it gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Ms. Barnes came into the class and set down a briefcase. "Please go to the testing platform and login. We will be beginning our exams in precisely 10 minutes. Most of you have had me the previous year, so you already know, but I have an announcement for those who did not. The person who finishes first with all the correct answers will receive bonus points for their midterm.

"So basically, Robert." A boy with a cable-knit sweater and the school's soccer emblem said in a playful tone. I had noticed that all of Robbie's soccer teammates were always trying to impress him. It was difficult not to roll my eyes.

"Alright, Mr. Collins, please keep the cute comments to yourself," Ms. Barns said sternly.

We started the exam in precisely 10 minutes, just as she said. The class was very quiet. Ms. Barns sat at her executive style desk, looking at her computer, which displayed all of our screens.

I finished my test quickly. It seemed as if I had overstudied; I knew all the answers instantly. This was nice to know since it meant I could dedicate less time and still ensure an A in the class.

"Looks like we have our first submitted exam. It looks like their answers are all correct as well," The teacher announced.

"Great! Robbie finished. We can stop trying now, guys." I heard a voice say from the back of my classroom.

The whole class groaned.

"It may surprise you, Mr. Medina, but Mr. Bennett was not the first to submit the quiz with all the correct answers."

The whole class became eerily quiet.

"Good job, Ms. Gomez. Nice to see someone give Mr. Bennett some competition for once."

I felt a wave of heat that settled on my cheeks.

"A babe and a nerd." I heard Chris say behind me as he playfully tugged on my ponytail.

Abigail was stiff next to me. I could see her biting her cheek.

I wanted to turn around to see what Robbie's reaction was, but I was too terrified to even move.

I took out the book I had to finish for art history and mindlessly read two pages, but my need to look at him won. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Ms. Gomez."

"May I go refill my water bottle?"

"Of course. Please leave quietly."

I nodded and grabbed my bottle. As I walked out the door, I looked at the back of the room. Robbie sat leaning back in his chair, looking right at me. His eyes were narrowed and he was chewing on the inside of his cheek with an amused look on his face. I felt a wave of heat run up my body and almost dropped my water bottle.

I didn't really have to refill my water bottle. So, I drank some water and decided I would just top it off to bide time. I walked down the hallway to where I remember seeing a water fountain. Behind the fountain was a beautiful stained-glass window. The glass was arranged to an image of a bird flying towards the sun. When the light came through the bird's wings looked like they were on fire. I angled my bottle to fill it up as I gazed at the window.

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