Chapter 2

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Authors note: If you like my story please vote and comment. It lets me know that you enjoy the direction it is going in. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


The next day I hit snooze on my alarm three times and almost did not wake up at all. Luckily, the last warning managed to snap me awake. Instantly realizing the time, I got ready as fast as humanly possible. According to google maps, I had to take a bus, a subway, and then another bus to get to the school's track. 

Luck was on my side this morning despite my rude awakening. The journey was uneventful and went without a hitch. Thank you, google maps. After getting off the last bus, I walked down the block until I reached Holy Trinity. 

When I applied to the school I applied for a track scholarship as well as an academic scholarship.

Trinity was both top in education and in tuition fees.

A year there was as much as my dad's entire salary as a resident doctor.

Thus, I needed a scholarship to even consider i a possibility. With those two scholarships, it lowered the yearly price to something more reasonable. It meant my parents only had to pay for books and supplies.

It meant my dream of higher education might actually happen.

The track scholarship came easier than I expected. All it took was a new personal record at the national level of competition. The Academic scholarship took a bit longer. After months of interviews, essays, tests, and waiting, I received a letter that I had been accepted into their Academic Merit Scholarship. I never considered myself to be a person who squealed, but that was exactly what I did when I opened my letter.

My mom and I bought my school uniform a week later and my plane ticket when we got home from shopping. 

It was hard to miss the school. Trinity was an old, almost gothic style building nestled between tall New York city skyscrapers. The school was surrounded by an iron-wrought fence. I walked along the side until I reached the expansive sports field that felt out of place in the gray city. 

I could see the students already waiting in the field and felt a rush of anxiety as I made my way towards them. 

The coach was a strong-looking woman. She had a slicked-back ponytail and those goofy glasses dads wear when they go fishing.

I had met her before. She was the one that recruited me. When I finished my last run, she comically pushed another coach out of the way to get to me first. "You run faster than most of our boy's team," she said to me in awe as I walked through the gate. I was about to collapse but managed to breathe out a thank you as I lifted my hands over my head to get the blood pumping back to my heart. 

That day I got offers for every school I had applied to in the Tri-state area, several with better track teams. Trinity was the best for academics, and that was my main goal. I hit reply to their email as soon as I received it, letting them know that I was available to take their exams and that it would be an honor to be a part of their team.

"Alright, ladies, we are going to do 2-mile warm-ups.  I am going to buddy you up with someone who runs your pace." She surveyed us as she said this, looking at us from top to bottom.

"They will be your new buddy; talk to them while you run. Get your lungs working. I want to hear everyone having a conversation; if I see your mouth shut, you're giving me 100 burpees!" She threatened and then blew her whistle.

"Alright, Bennett and the new girl, Gomez, you're going to lead the group. Bennett, raise your hand."

I looked around and found my new partner. It was the tall girl from the airport! Again, I was struck by how otherworldly she looked. She was tall and slender; her skin was naturally tan, and her hair was a dark brown color. 

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