Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

*** Spicy Warning: this chapter is not intended to be read by minors or anyone who does not want to read adult sexual situations.***

Behind the door marked 42 wasn't a classroom. Instead, I was confronted with a small storage room. It was as narrow as the door and not very deep. The back wall had a bookcase with a box holding broken pieces belonging to a drone and many old computer parts in different containers. In front of it was a makeshift desk created with stacks of breezeblocks and a wooden plank. The sides of the room were lined with a three-shelf bookcase that went up to my hip. It was a tight fit. We didn't fit side to side, so we stood face to face. I had to crane my neck to see him correctly.

"Is this your secret lab?" I asked.

"It's not really a secret; the dean gave me a key."

"If I pull a keyboard off the bookcase, will it flip and reveal a secret passageway?" I asked and then smiled at my own cleverness.

He paused for a second, his forehead creased, and he looked at me as if I were insane; then he shook his head and slipped his hand behind my neck. His fingers tangling themselves in the hair at the nape of my neck. My pulse sped up, I looked up at him, and he looked as if he was having an internal argument. 

I opened my mouth to make a distasteful joke about him being a robot, but before I could process anything, he pressed his lips to mine. 

I stepped back in shock and bumped my back against the short bookcases that lined the room. Robbie groaned in frustration with how small the room was and straightened up. The room was tiny, so small he had to crab walk to get by.

 He slipped my bookbag and his off and placed them on a swivel office chair, then reached over to take my crutches, leaning them against the desk. Still in shock, I mutely handed over everything he silently asked for. When he finished setting out things aside he walked back to stand in front of me. My brain had stopped working. I couldn't process any form of speech.

He stood in front of me looking down at me in deep thought and I gave him a tight grin. 

He put his hands on my waist and lifted me up to sit on one of the bookcases that lined the wall. He did it so easy, I thought to myself in a daze, like if I were a sack of potatoes. What are you hiding under that button up Robert Bennett?

"Are we here because Antoine and I were teasing you? We were kidding. We know you aren't boring," I blurted out, words becoming available to me.

He leaned over his hands on either side of my thighs. I brought my hands up to his chest, not knowing where to put them. He closed his eyes and rubbed his nose against mine, his lips softly grazing mine. He was teasing me. I felt like what I imagined being drunk felt like.

My hands came up to his shoulders, and I gave him a little squeeze. He was so sturdy, all lean muscle.

He shuddered and then grabbed my knees and parted them, standing in between them; his hands ran up my legs and squeezed my thighs, and then brusquely pulled me flush against him. Before I could take another breath, his mouth was on mine again—one hand around my neck, the other holding my thigh, keeping me in place. 

His lips tugged at mine, the kiss felt desperate and dizzying I felt myself arch against him. I vaguely remembered that I had hands attached to my body and decided to put them to good use. I ran my hands up his chest, suddenly feeling scornful at the cold weather that made him wear layers. Still, even then, I could feel how defined he was. He nipped my lip, and I moaned, allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth.

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