Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Once Nicole grabbed her bag, we made our way to Robert's car. I offered Nicole the front passenger seat, and she pretended as if she didn't see my offer and opened the backdoor.

Girl, what game are you playing?

Robert sat down and asked me for my address. There was an awkward moment where we both went for the GPS in his car simultaneously. His fingers brushing over mine, and my hand snapped back.

He locked eyes with mine for a moment.

He was acting strange today. Well, stranger than usual.

Maybe, he found Nicole attractive and was suddenly nervous; she was gorgeous. I looked back through the rear-view mirror to see what she was doing.

The sneak was pretending to be asleep.


"So, how was Bolivia?" I asked.

"Hot. I went to take care of some accounts belonging to my family's business, so also boring."

"I see," I said, looking out the window.

The last time Robbie and I were in a car together; he practically accused me of having an ulterior motive for befriending his sister. I didn't feel like I could handle a repeat of the conversation without throwing him out of his car.

"What does your family do?" I asked, knowing the answer after Nicole gave me the 411 on his family.

"We grow coffee and then export it pretty much everywhere. We own most coffee companies in the western hemisphere. Like Johnson and Johnson or Proctor and Gamble, but for coffee," He sighed. "I have to go every once in a while, to learn how everything works. My grandfather is ill, so I'll probably take over sooner than later."

"You don't sound happy about that," I probed, suddenly interested as to why this made him sound so upset.

"It's not my cup of tea. My grandfather and I butt heads a lot. I don't really have a choice, though. Maria backed out of it, so there's no one else I can dump it on."

"Sounds like a drag."

He looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"Yeah well, it is what it is. In my family we don't really have any other option."

"Okay," I shrugged; I could tell this was something that really bothered him. I didn't really want to do another heart-to-heart with Robert, so I looked around for a reason to change the subject.

"Do you mind if I put on music?" I asked

"Are you going to climb into my back seat again?"

"Why am I not allowed?"

"No one likes to have a butt near their face when driving,"

"Don't lie, Robert, you know you liked that part," I said, wiggling my eyebrows. I could feel his effort not to smile; his mouth even twitched.

I fought back the urge to roll my eyes. Geez, Robbert, loosen up; you are the youngest old person I have ever met.

"Sorry to break your heart, but I actually see what I want to play in your cup holder," I said, holding up a cassette. It was an old Police cassette. They were one of my favorite bands growing up.

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