Chapter 79

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Hitting the final few chapters for this book. I wanted to update more this week and have it finished by today but it has been so busy. 

Thank you to everyone who reads and everyone who is patient with me ❤️.

Chapter 79

Later in the week, I decided to pass by the school to empty my locker and say goodbye to my teachers.

As I was waiting for my bus, a thought occurred to me. I grabbed the cart I had put all my things in and wheeled it towards the curb where the accident happened. I leaned forward into the street, looking down the road. I couldn't really understand what had happened, so I grabbed the cart again and wheeled it across the street. The grocery store where Rosa worked was full of students after school, but at this time, the business was slow.

"Tesoro," she said as I came up to the counter, "How's your arm, mama?"

I lifted my cast-covered arm up, "I have to wear this for five more weeks, but other than that, fine."

"That's good; it could have been much worse, that boy was fast. I was watching you from the window; he had a nice car."

"Yeah, he did good,"

"He's very handsome; he's the boyfriend you told me about?"

"That's the one," I said, smiling.

"He looks like superman and, come to think of it, acted like him," she laughed.

"I'll tell him you said that," I said, "it will make his ego bigger," I joked.

"What can I get for you, linda?"

"Umm, a café con leche and a spinach empanada."

"Coming right up,"

"Hey Rosa, by any chance, does this place have a camera outside the store?"

"Yeah, we do." She said, grabbing a pair of tongs.

"Would you happen to have surveillance of the day of the accident?"

"Yeah, but we showed the police already. I don't think they were able to match the plates."

"I know, still I want to see it," I said.

"Come around to the back," She said, gesturing with her chin to the opening in the long Formica countertop.

"I'll be right with you, just walk down the hallway and go into the office."

I nodded and made my way down the narrow hallway into a cramped office. I sat down in the only chair available, and as soon as I took my phone out to pass the time, she came in.

"Let me see," She said. "Everything is online these days; I always have trouble remembering passwords."

"Yeah, I always just end up using the same password for everything," I said, laughing awkwardly. I was starting to become anxious.

"You know I used to do that, and then I saw this documentary on cybersecurity, and this man had his whole identity stolen. So now I have a different one for everything. I have to keep them all in a notebook, or I forget," She said, typing in a password she read off a black composition notebook.

"Here we go," She said and stood up, "look through the files. They should be in order; I have to get back to the front,"

"Thank you," I said as she stepped out of the office.

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