Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

I woke to the sound of wind hitting the windows. The air felt crisp and chilly, and I wrapped myself up in Robbie's blanket and went to see if he had socks I could borrow. His drawers were so neat and organized; they weren't difficult to find. 

When I turned around, I audibly gasped; there was snow falling. I let out a squeal and ran to look closer. Robbie mumbled something in his sleep, and I shook his shoulder. He let out a groan and reached out to where I had been sleeping.

"Lia?" he said groggily.

"Wake up."

"No. Why?"

"It's snowing."

"Terrific. Can you come back to bed?" He asked, not even bothering to open his eyes.

"I've never seen it fall before."

I walked towards his door.

"Where are you going?" He said, sitting up.

"To borrow pants from Maria,"

"No. Come on, come back to bed," he said, rubbing his eyes.

"I just want to see it," I said, walking out and running down the hall.

Maria was sleeping in her room, and I walked in as quietly as I possibly could. Unlike her brother, she was an extremely light sleeper.

"Lia? Have you been here the whole night?"


"What are you doing? What time is it?" She asked, looking out to see if the sun had come up. She did a double-take and grinned really big "It's snowing."

"Yeah, I came to borrow pants."

She jumped out of bed and opened her very messy drawer and pulled out a pair of thick leggings for me and another for herself, and we put them on at lightning speed.

When I turned around, Robbie was standing at the entrance to her room wearing gray sweatpants and slipping on a black fisherman's sweater.

"Robbie, did you see?!" Maria squealed as she walked past him.

"You both are nuts," he said, wrinkling his nose.

I stuck out my tongue at him, and he narrowed his eyes at me but followed me downstairs anyway.

Their garden was like a postcard. The sky was a light gray color, and the hedges and statues were covered in snow. I breathed in the crisp winter air and stepped onto the blanket of snow the had fallen overnight. My feet sunk into the shallow layer on the grass, and the cold seeped into my loafers. 

I put out a hand to catch the falling flakes. Maria ran out and tipped her head back to catch them on her face.

I turned around to look at Robbie, with what was probably a silly grin on my face, "Don't you think this is nice?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist.

He tucked my hair behind my ear, "I think my bed is nice. I think you are nicer, and I think you in my bed is nicest," He said, cupping my face and placing a kiss on my nose. I stood up on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips. He kissed me back and wrapped me in his arms, pressing me to him.

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