Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Robert dropped us off at the front steps of his house. 

"I think Maria is at the pool already," he said, pulling out of the driveway to put the car in the garage. His usual dry tone was back. 

"No, she's not!" Maria said running towards us.

She hugged me and then turned to give one to Nicole as well.

"Nice to meet you, Nicole! Lia has told me so much about you!"

"Likewise," Nicole said, blushing. I could tell for once in her life, she felt intimidated. It was hard not to be at times with Maria. Not only was she incredibly beautiful but insanely tall.  Whenever we went out she caught the attention of both men and women. I had seen people trip over themselves in order to get a better glimpse of her. 

"Wow, you are gorgeous," Nicole said, pulling away from the hug.

"Aww, thank you! So are you," Maria said, smiling. I wondered briefly if pretty people got tired of people telling them they were pretty. 

"Come on," she motioned for us to follow her.

"Lena is already at the pool, and so are the boys," She said, leading us into the house. 

"Robbie! Want to join us?! Cameron came over," She yelled across the courtyard.

He shook his head as no and pointed to his room upstairs.

"I guess Abigail is already here," Maria said, rolling her eyes. "Anyways, come so that you can change, and Nicole can meet everyone." 

We followed her inside and Nicole's jaw dropped as we walked through the foyer and into a long hallway made entirely of iron-framed windows.

"Who's Cameron?" I asked

"Cameron has been Robbie's best friend since pre-school. They are like peanut butter and jelly close. I was hoping that inviting Cameron over would entice my brother into hanging out with us," she said, and I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"Maria, why does he hang out with Abigail so much if he doesn't like her? Like, I get the sex part, but he seems to do whatever she wants," I asked.

I tried not to mention Robert...mostly to force myself not to think about him, but their relationship was so strange it was hard not to comment on it. While Maria described him as aloof about their relationship, it seemed as if he and Abigail were together all the time. She was always around him. Maria would often complain that she couldn't go into his room to grab something because they were probably in there.

Yet every time she was around, he had the sourest look on his face. It wasn't very aloof of him. Maybe that was just his resting face. I wondered for a fleeting second if that was the same face he had on when they had sex. So robotic. The thought of it made me want to giggle.

"Abigail's family recently acquired a small part of my family's business. So of course, now my grandparents are pushing the relationship even more. Keep the business in the family. I think he feels bad because my grandfather's health has been deteriorating these past few years."

"That sucks," Nicole said. "But, also, who cares? Live your life?"

Maria grinned. "That's what I always tell him. I disappoint them all the time; they eventually get over it." She laughed.

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