Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I sat up; my alarm had not gone off yet. 

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I looked at my phone. I had a text from Robbie: "Morning, have a safe trip," I smiled like an idiot and texted back: "Thanks. Have a good day."

The ride to school was lonely, and the day dragged on pretty slowly, come chemistry, I was ready to go home. We had a lab project in chem today. We had to set up an experiment during today's class to finish the following class period. We were being split up into pairs. 

Usually, Robbie and I paired up, so Antoine's partner was always a girl from another table. I was left alone today. The teacher called out everyone and their partner while taking attendance. I looked around to see who else could be my partner, only to find everyone taken. Everyone except, oh, god, no, I grimaced.

"Alright, we'll do Ms. Fisher and Ms. Gomez." He said, looking down at his class list. I groaned quietly. Antoine was looking at me with a worried grimace. He rubbed my arm in consolation as he stood up and went to sit with his partner.

I didn't even turn around. I just waited for her to come over, rolling my pencil on the table to keep my hands occupied.

She placed her bag down in front of me and sat down next to me with a long exhaling breath.

"Alright, let's make this quick." She said, and I swore her prissy accent was gone for a second, replaced by the Tennessee twang that was probably natural for her.

I scootched my seat next to her. My black tights were a dark contrast to her pale knees.

"Okay," I said, looking at her expectantly.

"Well, you're the genius; I don't know where to start." She said, plastering a sarcastic smile on her face and waving at the paper.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the pamphlet. I could feel her staring at me, analyzing me.

I bit the inside of my lip, "Okay, letter A is just stoichiochemistry, you can do the first two problems, and then I'll do three and four," I said.

"That means nothing to me," She said in a sugary-sweet tone.

"We're just balancing the equation; it's what we did the entire first two weeks of school."

"Right," she said slowly.

"Are you just playing dumb so that I do all the work? You don't have bad grades. I know you aren't stupid," I said, trying to keep my voice even.

There was a flash of humor in her eyes, and I saw her mouth twitch.

"Tsk tsk temper, temper princess." She drawled but then grabbed her pamphlet and started reading the problem.

We worked silently, with Abigail hitting my elbow purposefully every few seconds as she worked on her problems. Finally, she did a hard shove. Her elbow hitting my forearm, causing me to draw a long line from where I was writing to the edge of my paper. I exhaled sharply.

"You know you make it really hard," I said, frustrated.

"I make what hard? It's not my fault that you're left-handed. I didn't make you a freak." She had an icy look in her eyes. They were dark blue, almost black like a deep cold ocean that sank ships and drowned sailors.

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