Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

The rest of my day went by uneventfully. A lot of getting lost. A lot of new books and homework packets. I kept on adding all my homework packets to a binder to keep them organized, and now the binder prongs were threatening to come apart —and I still needed the second half of the day. I was coming to terms with the fact that I would not sleep a full 8 hours tonight—or any night this year.

Finally, lunch came around. I walked into a courtyard filled with tables and surrounded by ivy-covered walls and more rose bushes. Rich people sure do love their rose bushes.

"Lia!" a familiar voice called out.

I turned and saw Lana waving at me. Maria and Jesse sat next to her.

I grinned; I hadn't been able to see them all day.

"Hey," I said, putting my bag down on the stone bench and sitting down next to it.

"How's your day been?" Maria asked, opening up a tea bottle.

"Alright. A little hectic."

"Yea, this place is a maze. I remember it being overwhelming my first day here." Lana said. "It gets better." She added optimistically.

I nodded and took out the sandwich I packed this morning.

"Chris!" She said, looking up. I turned around and saw Chris and Robbie walking towards us.

"Hallelujah, my prayers were answered!" Chris said, grabbing my shoulders and kissing the top of my head with a loud smack.

Maria looked at him, quizzically.

"I have this little math genius next to me for calculus," He started explaining. "I was so worried I would have to disappoint my father this year."

"You're good at math, Lia?" Lana asked.

"She's amazing. She answered the bonus question in the first hour of class. No one ever gets those. Well, except Robbie, and it usually takes him the entire week," Chris said, tousling my hair.

I saw Robbie frown, and I felt myself blush.

"I'm sure it was an easy question," I muttered, taking the crust off my PBJ while very aware that the studying gaze Robbie gave me earlier in Chemistry was back.

"Don't be so modest Lia, it just makes me feel dumber," Chris said jokingly.

"Oh, that reminds me we have the last block together," Lana said, chuckling at her cousin's self-deprecating humor.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I have office aid first block and looked you guys up. You, me, and Maria all have Art History with Mr. Nielson last period."

"Yay!" Maria exclaimed, hugging me.

"I was hoping we would at least have one class together," I said, smiling.

"Mhm," Maria said. "He is a snooze cruise, but he eventually falls asleep on himself, and it's almost a free period."

"Sounds nice," I said, eyeing my stuffed binder and looking forward to being able to use a class as a catch-up period.

"You know you can leave that binder in your locker," Jesse said.

"I don't know where my locker is," I said, embarrassed to be lugging around my belongings.

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