Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

20 was the number of missed calls I had from Robbie over the weekend. You double it, and you have roughly the number of text messages he sent. All of them saying Lia, we need to talk. Lia, Please. I blocked his number Sunday afternoon because I needed to concentrate on studying for my exam.

Monday morning, I woke up earlier than usual to make sure I took the earlier bus. I didn't think he would come. Robert was anything but stupid and knew his limits and would know it would be anything but okay to follow me to school and harass me with pleads to listen to him. Still, I didn't want to risk it. Despite avoiding him, he was waiting for me when I got to school. I had seen Antoine when I got off the bus, and we were walking to the Entrance together. We were both going to review some questions for the chem exam.

Robbie came up to us, "Morning Antoine,"

"Morning, Robbie," Antoine said, looking at me hesitantly.

"Morning, Lia," He said, walking next to me.

I ignored him like I did his calls and texts.

"I brought you coffee and a croissant," He said, holding up a paper bag and a coffee cup.

I looked at him and then at the offerings, he was holding up. I grabbed the bag and coffee cup; there was a flicker of hope in his eyes. It died quickly when I gave them to freshmen on the track-team walking by.

"Don't follow me," I told him severely and opened the library doors.

Antoine gave him a small shrug and picked up his pace to catch up to me.

When we sat down, he said to me:

"I know that you were going for dramatic to make your point, but next time can you give me the pastry and coffee?"

I glared at him, and I swore I heard him gulp. He quickly took out his chem notes so we could get to work.

During calculus, I did everything I could to not look out the window. I could feel him there. I shifted my body to look at Chris, who was very cautious today. He had been on the other side of the field when everything happened. I'm not sure he understood everything that had occurred.

At one point, I gave in. I was weak. I looked up. Robbie was there sitting against the tree, a book in his lap, and as if he could feel me, he looked up. This window is not a one-way mirror; Chris's voice echoed in my mind. I couldn't look away. He was so devastatingly beautiful.

"Lia, you need to finish the packet," Chris said, snapping me out of whatever trance I was in. I went back to work, and when I finished used the time to review my chemistry chapter. Anything that would stop me from looking out that window.

An 89. I sighed and slumped against my locker, my forehead leaning on the door.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked. I recognized the Chanel and faint smell of strawberry shampoo.

Uhhg, go away. I cannot deal with you right now.

"Mourning my future. Please go away."

"That sounds dull and depressing," Abigail said.

I turned my head and glared at her. She stood next to her locker, looking at me. Her arms were crossed in front of her, a smirk on her face.

"Listen," I said sharply. "I am in no mood for your nonsense, or whatever mean thing occurred to you in chemistry that you just need to tell me. You win. Have Robbie, I don't want him. Both of you can go be arrogant and look like you should be on the cover of a J. Crew catalog somewhere else." I started putting in my locker combination.

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