Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

Maria II:

I am a firm believer in soulmates. I think they come in many different forms and that we all have multiple ones. They could be a friend, a lover, even a pet. Any soul that connects with you in a way where you feel complete when you're around them. Like you don't have to explain yourself to them. They just...get you.

The day before the summer of senior year, I felt pretty depressed. I walked out of my last class that year, and I remember Lana running up to me. Her blonde hair flying behind her. She held her white tennis sweater in her hand, and it made it looked like she was wearing a cape. 

"Party time!" she yelled, throwing her arms around me. I nodded. "I thought this year would never end," she sighed. Me too, I thought to myself, but it did end, and now I had one more year of Holy Trinity Preparatory Academy before I could leave to wherever I wanted.

We stood leaning against the iron fence surrounding the school, waiting for Damien to come around and pick us up. We were going to her house to get ready and then go to a senior party to celebrate the end of the school year.

Robbie and Abigail walked past us as we waited and Lana stuck out her foot to trip him playfully.

Abigail shot her look that could kill, I imagined laser beams coming out of her eyeballs.

"Are you guys going to Imogen's party?" she asked. They were sophomores, but Robbie was the darling of the older girls, and Abigail had enough clout with the dance team that I thought they might have invitations.

"Yeah, we're thinking about it," Abigail said, wrapping her arms around my brother's waist and giving Lana a smirk.

"I hope you come," I said, looking at my brother.

He nodded, giving Abigail a side glance, and then they turned around to head to his car.

"She is such an idiot," Lana said when they were out of earshot. " Like did you see that face she gave me? She's known me since I was five; me liking Robbie is just incestuous," She said with a gag. "I really would love to just punch her right on the nose job sometimes, deviated septum my ass," she said her cheeks turning red.

I rolled my eyes, "I don't think she meant to upset you over Robbie," I said, checking my watch. Where the hell was Damien?

"What do you mean?" She asked, scrunching her perfect nose.

"Nothing. Is your brother going to Imogen's?" I asked, pulling out my phone to check my Instagram feed.

"Yeah, he said he would," she said, shooting me a knowing look.

I had a crush on Jesse since 8th grade when he had to practice CPR in gym class. I swore when his lips touched mine, he was the one for me.

Even when I was forced to date Liam, Jesse was it for me. He was the one that got away. Except now Liam was old news, so he didn't have to be that anymore. I just had to make Jesse realize that we were made for each other.

Spoiler alert before I go any further, Jesse did not go to Imogen's party. He went to Sissy Newman's house instead. That's okay; true love waits. Or at least that's what they taught us Wednesdays at chapel. I know they were referring to abstinence, but depending on who you ask, the bible is a book that can be interpreted in many ways.

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