Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

I missed school on Monday. I wasn't happy about it, but my dad said he would get me crutches so I wouldn't have to walk on my leg, allowing it to heal better. I spend the day catching up on homework and then reading for my classes. On Tuesday, as I was waiting for my bus, I noticed a car pull up slowly in front of me.

"Need a ride?" Robbie asked.

"What? Are you serious? You didn't have to come over here."

"You hurt your leg on our tub. I feel somewhat responsible," He said, getting out of the car. He came over to me and took my backpack off my shoulder.

"Jeez, do you carry bricks in here?" He joked.

"It's both for educational and safety reasons."

"Wouldn't want to be the guy you swing this at," He muttered while putting it in his back seat.

"Maria is catching a ride with Lana?" I was nervous; I could hear it in my voice.


"Did she know you were coming to pick me up?" I asked, confused. I was sure she would have texted me to let me know and allow me to mentally prepare or think of a good excuse to convince him not to come. I had a feeling he knew I would try to talk him out of coming all the way over here.

"Nope," He said, pulling out.

"Oh, well, thanks."

"What are friends for," He said, adjusting the volume settings on his car.

"How's your leg feeling?" He asked.

"Better actually, I can stand on it for a bit. I think the time the doctor gave me was a bit exaggerated. I don't think it will take more than two weeks to feel back to normal."

"That's good, but don't rush into anything."

When we got to school, the parking lot was starting to fill up. Robbie got out first, grabbed my bag, and slung it on his shoulder. He went around the car and opened the door for me. I looked around.

"No one is looking, Lia," He said and held out his hand. I took it and stood up carefully on my right foot. I grabbed onto his jacket to steady myself, and he slipped a hand behind me to hold my waist.

"You alright?" He asked, a shy smile spreading on his full lips.

"Yeah, sorry. Your car is really low." He reached over to grab the crutches from the back seat handing them to me.

I steadied myself on them, and as I did, I noticed a lot of students had stopped to watch us. Liar.My face twisted into a frown.

"Hey," He said, touching my chin gently with his fingers. They felt warm compared to the crisp morning air.

I looked at him, the anxiety evident on my face.

"Lia, who cares what they think. They're just bored."

"I know. I just don't like attention."

"Well, we're friends, right? Friends can give friends rides." He said, shrugging.

"They probably think we're together in another way," I said, shaking my head.

"Would it be the worst thing in the world?"

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