Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Abigail, thankfully, did not live in New Jersey. She lived in Manhattan in the penthouse of an old building overlooking central park.

During my entire commute, I had texts from Maria and Lana telling me to have a safe word I could text in case of an emergency and that they would send help if anything happened.

I grabbed a pizza on the way over since I hadn't eaten anything all day.

She was waiting for me inside the lobby, and we took an elevator all the way up to the top of the tall building, my ears popping as we made our ascent.

Her house was really modern. I noticed it did not look lived in at all and was insanely clean. Like, have surgery on the living room floor clean. There were no pictures, no photo albums, no mementos, virtually no traces that there were people who lived there. The only evidence of human beings in the house was a large glass bookcase that held crowns and trophies belonging to Abigail.

"My family is really into pageantry." She explained as we walked into her massive kitchen.

Her mother was there. I recognized her from Maria's dinner party. She was getting a bottle of water out of their fridge.

"Pizza? What happened to salads from Georgio's?" She asked Abigail.

"They were closed, and this was next door," Abigail responded tiredly. This was a lie. She had never mentioned getting salads and had given me the address to the pizza shop when I asked for suggestions on where to get us lunch.

"Well, remember, a moment on the lips forever on the hips," Her mom sang.

Abigail grabbed another slice and threw it on her plate.

"Don't come crying to me when you can't fit into your pageant dresses." Her mother said as she picked up her gym back to head out to her spin class.

"I won't," Abigail responded and took a big bite.

Her mother rolled her eyes and left without bothering to wave goodbye.

Abigail looked at her pizza, her eyes bit glassy, and chewed her food as if it had suddenly turned to ash in her mouth. Then she sighed, throwing it into the trash bin.

"That expression is not scientifically accurate," I said.

"I hate her. Don't look at me like that Cecilia, you are the last person I need pity from," She said.

"Abigail, you're probably the prettiest girl in school. You're probably the prettiest girl in the entire tri-state—" I started.

"Let's just do this project," She said, rolling her eyes.

I looked down at my computer and started looking for relevant articles.

"How long can we work on this for?" She asked, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. She held it up to ask me if I wanted one.

"Sure," I said and stuck her hand back into the fridge for another.

"I have to leave early. I have a thing in the evening."

"Like a date?"


"With Robbie?"

"No," I said slowly.

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