Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Pretty soon, Thursday came around, and I noticed that school was getting more bearable. There was a flow that I was starting to learn, and I was actually enjoying my days at school. I rode my bus to school on Thursday, pretty content with the way things were going. That is until chemistry class.

Our teacher decided to have us complete a worksheet in groups. Abigail didn't sit with Robbie and me anymore, and instead, the teacher put a boy named Antoine. I had Antoine for two other classes. I noticed he usually sat quietly in the back of the room. I had also noticed that some of the other students teased him a lot. He tended to wear heavy eye makeup and lipstick, and few of the more popular kids tended to be complete dicks to him in the hallways.

"Lia," I said, sticking my hand out to introduce myself.

"Antoine." He said, taking it.

"I'm Robbie," Robbie said, also giving his hand as a greeting.

"I know who you are," Antoine said, his eyes narrowing.

"Really?" Robbie asked, sounding genuinely confused.

"Yeah, Robert, we've been in the same class since kindergarten," Antoine said, sounding somewhat annoyed.

I rolled my eyes before I could stop myself. Both of them caught it. Robbie frowned, confused. Antoine, on the other hand, smiled.

"I think I already like you, Lia." He said, his smile getting bigger.

We worked on our chemistry work together. Robbie, of course, knew everything instantly. It's like his mind would see a problem and work it out in seconds before he even finished reading it.

"Don't tell me." I would say, "I want to figure it out on my own."

"We could have finished already," Robbie groaned in frustration.

"I want to be able to do it on my own for the test," I countered, glaring at his impatience.

Antoine laughed. He was pretty smart and good at chemistry, so he would work out the problems pretty fast, like Robbie.

"This is nice." He said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a break from working on an incredibly difficult problem.

"Talking to people. No one ever talks to me." He said, looking down at his shoes.

"Well, I mean, maybe it's because you wear so much makeup," Robbie said matter-of-factly.

"Robbie!" I said, smacking his arm. "I like your makeup, Antoine. I think it's really nice. Last week you had on purple eyeshadow. It made your eyes pop beautifully. I thought you would think I was a creep for staring so much," I laughed.

"Thanks, Lia, you're adorable."

"Well, I mean, I don't care that you wear makeup. I'm just saying that might be why some of the guys are not so friendly," Robbie said, rubbing his neck.

"Well, they're dumb." I said, "I wish I could do my makeup half as good as you do. I'm scared to do anything more than mascara, and when I do wear eyeliner, it takes ages to get it even."

"You look fine," Robbie said, shrugging a mildly annoyed tone in his voice.

"I'm not doing it because I think I look 'not fine.' It's just for fun, no need to get bothered." I answered, confused.

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