Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Authors note: If you like my story please vote and comment. It lets me know that you enjoy the direction it is going in. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


We had another altercation. A few weeks after I met Maria, my mother came over, and we made a big dinner to eat as a family with some family friends that lived in Jersey. My mom's food put mine to shame, and we made so much I wanted to bring some for Maria's mom.

I had asked Maria if it was okay for me to do. I had noticed her mom had her good days and her bad days. She had been having a particularly good week, and Maria thought it would be an excellent idea.

So, I packed up rice, beans, lechon, and in the morning, I made some fried plantain. Maria was outside when the taxi dropped me off. She wanted to get some sun before the end of the summer.

"Just go upstairs; she knows you're coming and specifically did not eat lunch. I'll be up in a bit." She said. 

I knew she wouldn't be coming up anytime soon when I saw Jesse walk into the backyard with Chris as I went upstairs.

I made my way upstairs when I noticed Robert coming out of his room.

"Maria is outside," He said, pointing me in the opposite direction.

"I know I'm here to see your mom," I said, paying him little mind.

He visibly stiffened and put a hand out against the wall to block my path.

"Why?" He asked with that arrogant tone he could get.

"Because I brought her food, and she's expecting me," I said, trying to keep my tone even. The food was heavy, and my arms were getting tired.

"I thought we agreed on what your relationship with my family was going to be like."

"No. You gave me a warning. I did not agree to anything."

"So, you didn't take anything I said into consideration?" He asked. 

He was so close that when he spoke, I could feel his breath fanning my face. His voice was hushed, and his face close to mine. I felt goosebumps come up my arms. I guessed that Abigail was in his room, and he didn't want her listening in.

"No. It was taken into consideration. I just disagree with it." I shrugged and ducked under his arm.

He followed me down the hall and reached out to grab my arm.

"What food are you even bringing? I can just give it to her later." He said, reaching to take the Tupperware from my arms. I took a step back.

"I made tostones. They need to be eaten soon after being made, or they suck."

He exhaled a breath, and I could tell he knew I had a point. Still, he followed me down the hall.

When we got to the stairs, I turned to him, "If you're going to follow me the entire way, then help me. This is heavy and hot, and the stairs make me nervous," I said as I pushed the Tupperware into his hands. His hands brushed over mine as he took the entire stack of Tupperware, and I felt a wave of heat spread throughout my body.

His mom's doors were open, and she had a table set up. She was sitting on the floor watching an old Argentine movie about a woman who falls in love with a priest.

"Cecilia. When Maria told me you were coming I got so happy," She said as I came in.

Robert's face shifted into...surprise. I gave him a look that I hoped implied 'told you so' and made him feel like the ass he was.

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