Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

"That's mine," I whispered and felt my throat tightening. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. A large group of students had gathered around my locker. I saw them looking at me and whispering to each other. "Is that her?"

My breathing had quickened as I tried to make sense of why this was happening.

'That day I fell asleep with Robbie. She had to have seen us,' A tiny voice whispered in my mind.

"Alright folks, nothing to see here. Come on, scram!" Lana said, coming down the hall with Damien; they were pushing everyone out of the way and dispersing the crowd that had gathered.

"Lia, what the hell happened?" She said she said her eyes widening and frowning in confusion.

"I don't know?" I said, shaking my head.

"Do you know who might have done this?"

"No. Wait, how did you know about it?"

"I got a text during my last period," She said, showing me her phone.

I groaned.

"Don't worry, Jesse already went to find someone to clean it off. It will be gone by the end of lunch." Damien said, patting me on the shoulder.

"This was Abigail. It almost reeks of her." Lana said, her hands were in fists at her side and her words laced with anger.

I stayed quiet. I didn't know for sure if it had been Abigail, but I didn't know who else would do this.

Coincidently Abigail and her lackeys were just coming down the hall.

They stopped in front of my locker and took a picture with their phones.

"Admiring your work?" Antoine asked.

"Aren't you getting a little old for this, Abigail? 2004 called, they want their mean girl back." Lana sneered.

Abigail turned to face us with a smile on her face. "Unfortunately, I cannot take credit for this. But I have to say it must suck to get your reputation ruined like that so soon, Lia. I hope none of the Ivy Leagues find out." She said with fake sincerity. Then she and her friend walked past us, laughing at me with each other.

"She's totally lying. I mean, who else would do this? The only thing that makes me hesitate is that I have no idea why she would do this. She's a witch, but she usually keeps to herself unless provoked," Lana said watching Abigail's retreating figure.

"I think I do," I admitted.

"What? Why? What happened?" Antoine asked.

"Umm, who are you?" Lana said, suddenly realizing Antoine had been standing with us the whole time.

"Antoine, I've been in your class since middle school," He explained quickly, mildly annoyed.

"I invited him to sit with us; he's cool," I said, my voice miserable as my anxiety got wind of what was happening.

"Lia, what happened?" Antoine asked again.

I sighed. "The day I ate dinner at Maria's house. We went to look at the stars on the trampoline, and Robbie and I fell asleep together. She had to find out somehow."

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