Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

I woke up when my body decided it was tired of sleeping. I sat up gingerly and pulled on the curtain, letting light flood into the room. My leg looked swollen and had a nasty bruise forming. I softly ran my fingers over my shin and felt a hard lump had formed. Well, at least it's not broken, I reminded myself. I slumped back on the headboard. I think I had left my phone downstairs, and I wasn't sure if Robbie was awake yet.


I looked down and noticed there was a copy of The Great Gatsby strewn on the bed. It had a bookmark placed towards the end. I decided to re-read it to pass the time. I noticed that Robbie took a lot of notes in his book. I wondered if he did this because he was studying for a class or if it was just a way to keep track of his thoughts while he read. Around an hour later, I noticed a shadow pass by in the crack separating the door from the hardwood floor.

"Robbie?" I said out loud.

The shadow paused and then opened the door.

"Morning," He said. He looked as if he just finished showering. His hair was wet, and he was wearing a crisp white shirt that made his arms and broad shoulders look really nice.

"Morning. I didn't think you were up yet."

"Yeah, Coach has us on a schedule where we have to run five miles every morning."

"Oh, yeah, our coach makes us do the same thing."

"Yeah, our coach got the idea from yours. One of our midfielders is also in the track team, and he came back in way better shape than the rest of us." He frowned, "Are you reading my book?"

"Yeah. There was nothing else to do. Is it for class?"


"Oh, I thought with all the notes you made," I explained my voice sounding nervous.

His eyes widened for a split second, "Hey, don't read those," he said, chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck; there was a slight warmth in his cheeks that was not there before.

"Sorry," I said, closing the book and handing it to him. "Want to start on our project?" I asked. I don't know why I felt so awkward around him this morning. I felt as if after last night Robbie and I were finally on decent terms, and now I didn't know what to say to him.

"Yeah definitely,"

"Hey, Robbie?"


"Thank you for yesterday. You were really a gentleman."

"Hey, what are polite...acquaintances for?" He said, grinning shyly.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Okay. Fine. I guess we're friends now."

"All it took was you almost breaking your leg." He joked.

"I know if it had been a real break, we would have been best friends, but..." I said and shrugged playfully.

"Well, if you want, you can trip down the stairs, and we can take our relationship to a whole new level," He said, chuckling and grabbing my hand.

"No, no, the moment has passed us," I said in fake solemnity, patting the hand holding mine.

"Fine. It's probably for the best. Maria would probably get really jealous if we got that close."

"Abigail would probably murder me in my sleep."

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