Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

I drank my tea in silence, enjoying its warmth. I had never been to Maria's house while it was so empty. Usually, something was going on. The silence was eerie and made the place seem like a museum.

When I was done, I washed my cup and went upstairs.

I decided to take a shower in Maria's bathroom to finish warming up. She told me to borrow PJs, and I found a pair of leggings in a drawer along with a camisole.

The warm shower felt amazing. I was not used to this weather. The coldest it got back home was the fifties, and we all wore a thick jacket to keep ourselves warm when that happened. Tonight was an unusually cold October evening, and it had dropped to the mid-forties with some added wind chill. My sweater and fuzzy socks were no match.

I finished showering and grabbed the hanging towel wrapping it around myself, and then my day somehow got even worse. 

As I was getting out of the tub with my left foot, my right foot slipped. I went up in the air for a second and remember momentarily thinking a not so nice word before slamming down into her claw-footed tub. My hand caught the edge, and I held myself before I could hit my head; the rest of my body was not so lucky. The right side of my body crashed into the tub, my left shin crashing onto the edge.

This day can officially die in a dumpster fire. 

I must have yelled or screamed, or maybe it was the sound of my body crashing into the tub, but Robbie was banging on my door before I could even realize what was happening.

"Lia!" He yelled.

I sat up, and my body went still in shock. My leg. My scholarship.

"Cecilia! Answer me!"

My leg already looked swollen and had the beginnings of a bruise.

Robbie opened the door, his hand over his eyes, and blindly reached for where the towel was kept.

"You can look; I'm not naked," I whispered sullenly, still dazed.

He looked at me, upset and simultaneously shocked. His green eyes wide, his mouth hanging open.

"What happened? Are you okay? I thought you knocked yourself out," he said, his voice laced with fear and concern.

"I fell," I said quietly.

"No, kidding," He said and squatted down to get eye level with me. He cupped my face with one of his hands to look at my eyes. His other hand ran through my hair looking for a bump.

"I didn't hit my head," I said. His face was so close, and I could see the freckles on his nose.

"I caught myself on the edge of the tub," I explained, showing him my cut hand that started bleeding a bit.

"You know this isn't supposed to happen to you until you're in your 70s," He said, smiling, relief evident in his voice. He ran a finger across my eyebrow to smooth it out.

"The tub was slippery," I said, feeling like I was going to cry. I was going to get my scholarship taken away, I thought again.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," He said, standing up and offering me a hand.

I took it and stood up only to have immense pain shoot through my left leg.

I gasped in pain, almost losing my balance, and he put his arms around me to steady me.

"I think it's broken." He said, looking down at my leg.

I put my hand over his mouth. "No, don't say that," I said, tears welling in my eyes.

His eyes met mine confused.

"Robbie, my scholarship," I said, my voice breaking.

His eyes softened, suddenly understanding my grief.

"Come on," He said, putting my arm around his neck. He lifted me out of the tub and carried me to his room, setting me gently on the edge of his bed.

He went into his sports bag and took out a first aid kit.

"You should get your leg up." He said, taking out some antibiotic ointment and a bandage wrap.

I scootched back on the bed, and he threw me a pillow so I could put my leg up.

He came around the bed and squatted next to me, and motioned for me to give him my hand. I quietly put my hand in his and started rubbing ointment on my cut and bandaged it.

"You know, looking at it, it doesn't actually look broken, just badly bruised. I'm going to call the family doctor to see if she can come over and take a look at it. If not, I think we may have to go to the hospital. Where do you have your clothes? I'll get them as I call."

"The bathroom," I said.

Robbie left while making the call, and I felt the tears finally come. I was going to get kicked out of Trinity. How could this happen?

"Alright, the doctor is going to come. She said it would be 20 or so minutes since she had to bring the x-ray machine," He explained, walking into the room with my clothes in his hands.

I wiped my tears quickly so he wouldn't see, but I think he noticed anyway; his eyes had that soft look they got when he noticed I wasn't feeling well.

"Come on, get dressed; I'll wait outside," he said, placing the clothes next to me on the bed.

I noticed he grabbed me a pair of shorts and left the leggings. Probably to make it easier for the x-ray. He seemed so aloof when you talked to him, but he was so detail-oriented in his actions. I got dressed using some serious effort and called Robbie to come back. 



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